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Miniture Robotic Hand

I came upon this while searching for miniture robotic hands and thought it might be of interest. Looks like it might be right for JD.

Then there is this thing:

Just needs a servo. There is a Thingiverse page on it here. The page also has a STL file for it and variations at the bottom of the page.


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That's pretty cool. Just think what they could do if they were hooked up to an EZBv4!


very nice the black one,any link to that one?


Unfortunately there isn't much real information available on the hand. It looks like it is being developed for small children as opposed to small robots, but that does not mean it cannot be used for robots. Here is Open Bionics page for the hand itself. It gives some specs but little else. Apparently it is in testing stages as yet.

Here is the main web site for Open Bionics. And their Facebook page. This page shows them again, this time apparently with an attachment to give the hand power and a couple of controls. Below is a video of a child using one of these mockups:


They have a PDF with the instructions on how to make your own on their download page.

It's #2, on the page with a tutorial and CAD files.

I took a quick look, doesn't seem too difficult but still beyond me in the beginner phase.


@wesed Yes, it does seem a bit complicated to put together. That's what's interesting about that little red colored hand in the 3rd video. It's all printed as just one piece, done using Ninjaflex Filiment for the joints. No assembly required. Ready to go right out of the oven. It is even more "right sized" for JD as well. Looking at the STL file you can see a mechanical button that you press to open the hand. That's what the user in the video is doing. Brilliant design. The only limitation would be the force of the flex joints as far as holding power is concerned. For anything a small robot could lift that should be enough though. If not, one could use a servo that is actually attached to the button so it could pull as well as push.


Thanks for breakdown. I'll revisit it after I finish some tutorials.



yes its a cool mini hand. I check the links and i must say, there are files to download but only for a big diffrent hand. Not for the sweet small hand. :-(

I check also in google, about the "adams robot hand" but only the youtube videos. No download.



@rentaprinta Yes, unfortunately not, however, there are some files for the small red hand Here. An STL file, an INI file for the setup of a 3D printer, and a Blender file. There are also instructions and printing tips as well as some posts by readers.