Synthiam Robot Showcase

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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Remote control robots using your phone or PC, or grant access to others for collaborative control.
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Sythiam Swag
22oz Vacuum Insulated Bottle

22oz Vacuum Insulated Bottle

Keep liquid away from my robots! Vacuum insulation is a big deal if you care about beverage temperature change during...
Target Overlay by Synthiam
By Synthiam

Target Overlay

Display custom transparent PNG overlays on the camera control video output.

Max The robot based off of inmoov by Autiboy
By Autiboy

Max The robot based off of inmoov

The robot max is based off of inmoov and I 3d printed everything on him.  This is my first 3d printed robot.  Also the ear was the first...


Cs A Tiny Spider Robot That Can C

A tiny spider robot that can climb onto your food, detect any bacteria on it and eliminate the bacteria.It would also be really cool if it could get rid of little bugs too.

Srikanthkvs11s Gps Navigation Using Waypoint Control With Six

Im currently working on a project in which I would like to do GPS waypoint control using the Six hexapod. I have an adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout v3, that gives me the NMEA lines. I want the robot to go to each GPS location perform a particular task and then proceed to the next location. It is a proof of concept project and I do not need...

Carmendebs My Goal Is To Take Ezrobot To

My goal is to take Ezrobot to my class at school with 10 year old students. He will help me great the students every morning. Shaking hands or give a high five. Saying hi to everyone personally by mentioning their name and looking them in the eyes. He will tell us who is missing. I hope I can program all the mooves, face reckognition, remembering a...
Robotdude's Bad Jokes

Robotdudes Bad Jokes

So LieutenantCommander Data the customers greeting droid is awesome! He is still fully functional for two years (24/7) now without any major issues (except 2 dead servos and flaky...
Justinratliff's Jd Backpack

Justinratliffs Jd Backpack

I did a mock up of the JD backpack based on suggestions from @WBS00001 and @ptp from my C3PO JD head post. It has a male clip on the bottom to slide into the 3rd middle...
Jim's Ezbv4 Robot Lawn Mower

Jims Ezbv4 Robot Lawn Mower

When I decided to design and build a remotely controlled lawn mower, there were two main requirements that had to be met before the project moved forward. It must be...

Gaffanons An Animatronic Creature To Int

An animatronic Creature to interact with people at festivals, and conventions. talking to customers and entertaining children and adults alike.
Zxen's My First Robot: Eve

Zxens My First Robot: Eve

Shes my first.

Judbuds A Robot Thatl Get Moi Anatha S


Oneoutofmanys Im Thinking Of Making A Know

Im thinking of making a knowlege bot. A robot which would have a large database so it could answer almost any quistion you would ask it. Eventually, it could also read E-books and play chess or draughts on a speacially adapted board.

Koushiks I Think Of A Robot That Can Re

I think of a robot that can remind people that its time for taking medicine . Because it happens many times that people forget to take medicine . It should also know exercise or yoga steps so that people can do them at there home easily.

Sacredenders My Robot Idea Is Clutch, A 3 A

My robot idea is Clutch, a 3 armed stationary robot with a rotating base and 3 arms aligned in an equalatteral triangle position looking from the top view. My hope is to create the first arm using a Dev kit and 3 servos arm to start with. It will be able to sense the presence of and object within each claw and will as the name suggests clutch the...