Synthiam Robot Showcase
DJs Ez-B V4 Dalek
I built a Dalek EZ-Robot tonight. Well, i upgraded my EZ-B v3 hack to the v4 and added a few more servos. One to control the nose plunger thingy on their face up and down. And two other...robot
Perrys Inmoov Conversion
Hello all, I wanted to start my own thread to discuss my Inmoov and my conversion to EZ Robot. I appreciate all the work by the MRL guys but I struggle with it. I am...robot
DJs Trs-80 Model 100 Controlled Wall-E
Watch the video I think the title say it all! I hacked my 1983 Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer with a TTL Bluetooth Module to control...robot
Ezangs Photoresistor Project With ARC, Arduino, Python Code
New photoresistor project with ARC, Arduino, Python code When resistance is high the red LED comes on...robot
Ezangs Robot With Audio Voice Command And Audio Response
robot with audio voice command and audio response EzAngrobot
Ezangs RGB Arduino, Python Code With ARC
Here is an example of using the ARC serial monitor I am using an Arduino, Python code, with ARC - watch the R G B light up when I ask, what...robot
Jeremies Treat-O-Matic 2020
Lets make this Halloween contactless! With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, this Halloween is likely to look a bit different. To solve the issue of social...robot
Nieks Nieks Omnibot Hack Restoration
This is a continuation of my original thread, Nieks Omnibot Adventure. Though I technically finished my omnibot about a year ago, I was too...robot
Smartys Halloween Synthiam - Annabell
Dear EZ-Robot Friends, here my new Halloween EZ-Robot: Annabell! I hope you like it!robot
Jeremies Ravage The VHS Tape Robot
Here is my VHS tape robot named Ravage by @JustinRatliff Its named after the G1 Transformers Decepticon cougar robot that transformed from a tape...robot