Ez-b Project V3.0



This is sort of a survailence tank i've been building the past couple of days. At its heart is of cours the EZ-B connected wirelessly via an xbee xsc 900 which gives awsome range even through several walls. The Android phone is for video which is running a IP Camera app to stream High Quality video back to my computer over wifi.
Other parts include: Vex tank treads (modified) Servo city servo Block's Robo Claw regenerative 2X5a dual motor controller cheap brushed esc to act as a dimmer for the headlights two turnigy 5000mah packs in series to power everythinrg

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Stay at the forefront of robot programming innovation with ARC Pro, ensuring your robot is always equipped with the latest advancements.


That's an awesome bot!


Indeed! That is a fantastic robot! The treads are menacing:)


Sweetness! I love tankbots and this one is no exception!


WOOUUU!! I am trying to do something like this!! Good job!!


whoa,thats great stuff



would you be willing to show me how to set up and connect the EZ-B with an xbee xsc 900? This is exactly what I have been looking for! I would also like to know the details on what I need to purchase to get good quality video using the same setup as you have.




All the parts i used for the xbee set up i got at Sparkfun.com. They have other xbee modules there bu i found that non of them have the range and pennetration that the XSC 900 has.

Xbee XSC 900 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9097

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Xbee Explorer regulated http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9132 ------in order to use this with the XSC 900 you need to jump this diode

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Xbee Explorer USB http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8687 ------this works with the XSC without any modification

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The xbees come set up and ready to go out of the box, but if they are not there are several good you tube videos that show how to set them up. ( They are configured like regular xbee's)

to connect one xbee to the EZ-B connect the Ground from the xbee Breakout board to the ground on the header the the blutoothe module was do the same for the +5v. Thed connect the Dout on the breakout board to the RX pin on the EZ-B. Finally connect the Din pin on the breakout board to the TX pin on the EZ-B.

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Connect the usb xbee board to your computer and find what com port its using. In ARC select that com port to connect to. Tadaaa powerful, reliable, long-range EZ-B control.

For the camer i use an android app called "iP camera". it was a free app that turns your phone into a ip camera. it creats an ip address for the camer that you type into any web browser to view the real ime video feed. It gives fantastic quality with little to no lag. the only problem is that i have not yet found a way to integrate it into the ARC software to use camera tracking, motion tracking, etc. it is also limited to your wifi routers range. The only thing you need for this, assuming you have WiFi) is a android phone, ipod touch(4th gen the one with the camera), or and iphone because there is also ip camera aps in the app store that work good too. You can find used andriod phones on ebay for as little as 40-50 dollars.

if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask



just read jou post on your 6 foot robot. looks great!!

this xbee setup is perfect and will have no problem controlling yout bot 100-300 feet through several walls even.

digi also claims up to 6 mile line of sight range with high gain antennas!


@imrisaac , I have 2 EZ-B's on board my robot. Would I need two each or could I get away with one on each EZ-B and one for my computer? Total (3)?



i know the xbee is capable of point to multi point networking. but im not sure the ARC software will allow you to control two EZ-B's with 1 com port it might just mirrior the controls accros both EZ-Bs. Using two seperate xbees for each will definatly work. I have a few xbees lying around ill do some tinkering and see if i can figure something out. hmmmmmm maby two xbees on the computer side and one for both xbees hmmmmmmm.



So what I need is to order is:

(2) of the XBee XSC 900's #9097

(2) of the Xbee Explorer USB boards #8687

(1) USB Mini-B Cable - 6 Foot (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/598)

Is this list correct? Or do I need a #8687 and a #9132?

Will I have to set up one of the the XBee's for transmit and the second one for receive?

Thanks so much for this information. I have been looking for something like this for a long while. Thank you so very much for being willing to walk me through this. It means a lot!


@rgordon , As I see it you need Two XBee Explorer boards however one is a breakout #9132 (for EZ-B) and the other is for USB #8687(computer).
@imrisaac, My thought is that as it is I have one bluetooth on my computer and two bluetooths in my robot fot the 2 EZ-B boards. I think it may work. Sure would like to know for sure. How about it DJ?


Xbee is always direct serial communication. You can only connect from sender to receiver. Not 1 sender and 2 receiver So it's like rgordon say .


helmuteke xbees are capable of point to multi-point communication

Bookmaker The bluetooth creats multiple virtual com ports on your computer and operates very differently than and xbee rf module most master bluetooth modules can communicate with a max of 7 devices ant a time. The xbee setup is capable of sending data to both EZ-B's i think its just a softwre problem of allowing you to communicate with two EZ-B's over 1 com port

rgordon yes you need 1 #8687 and 1 #9132. Dont forget to jump that diode!

P.S. its a very common usb cable. if you have a ps3 its the same cabel sony uses for the controllers. It is also used for most external hard drives. i'd be supriesed if you did not have one lying around somewhere.



I ordered my EZ-B Kit and the Xbee XSC 900 with the boards you suggested. Can't wait till it gets here! Thanks for your help. I may have more questions when I start hooking everything up, if that's ok.


regarding the xbee explorer regulated....

what did you mean by ------in order to use this with the XSC 900 you need to jump this diod

i am reall interested in buying these parts but not sure what "jump the diod " means....

sorry, im a noob


you need to solder a piece of wire on the two terminals of the hilighted diode to bypass it. ill try to post some pics soon


if you want i can put together a kit with all the necessary parts ready to use with the EZ-B just plug n play. I could put it on amazon or Ebay. let me know if this would interest you.



My Sparkfun items have arrived! Now I am waiting for the EZ Robot Kit. Should be here any day now.


Yes please, dude i would totally buy one.



ok cool. What kind of range are looking for?



ok cool. What kind of range are looking for? The same setup i have is about $200


ouch! yeah i dont need that much range...really enough range for a large house..for 200....i think i can hold out and get a tablet....

are there cheaper options?


one more thing....how did you actually remove the bluetooth piece from the ez-b?


i can put one together for about 120 the bluetooth is just held on with double sided tape


imrisacc not to bug you man.....but yeah i will totally buy one of there set ups.....whats the range i get for the 120 package....

i figure i might as well go for the set up you have.....


the 120 package really only gets 40-50 feet of indoor range, the is the setup i first had but was disappointed with the range. The setup i have now is what i would recommend it has excellent range i have used it 100 plus feet indoors. i have not even found its limits yet.


ill go with what you have sorry for the delays in replying

also would this work?



those are really low power xbees, like 1mw , plus they have chip antennas which are not quite as good as wire antennas, and the 3v adapter board converts the 3v signal of the xbee to a 5v signal. this is bad because the EZ-B uses a 3v signal. bottom line no the radioshack kit won't work.


@imrisaac long time no talk....was wondering i f your offer still stand about the xbee kits....ive been looking at the prices and it looks for the parts you suggested the total would be around 90.00

do you think you can help me out with the set up?


i just realized i have to get 2 xbee 900 so yeah now 200 sounds like a freaking deal........i want it


actually i fyou look up the link posted fo rthe xbee i think prices have droped the xbee 900 pro is like 42.00 i think the full set up should not be like 150


can you confirm please?


there is an xbee pro 900 and an xbee pro 900 (xsc). I use the xbee pro xsc which are still $67 a piece. the xbee pro 900 (xsc) is slightly more powerful then the regular $42 xbee pro 900


i also found a slight flaw in my origional setup. the voltage regulators on xbee adapter boards i was using were not capable of supplying the xbees with enough power. The xbee pro xsc can draw up to about 300mah but i found a new adapter from parallax that can put out up to 400mah. without enough current the xbees cannot reach their maximum range.


COOL THANKS FOR THE REPLY. I think ill still go with the 42 version. It should still be a huge upgrade from the existing Bluetooth. I will start a new poet with what in going to buy and maybe you guys acan help me out...( step by step cuz I'm a boob) in mostly worried about the bypassing that diod or whatever....but I'm sure WE can make it happen.


Also what servo cable did you use to connect the xbee to the ezb. is it a specific 4 pin male cable or did you remove the Bluetooth chip and the adaptor....just nit sure how to connect the cables to the ezb.


I just used a standard servo connector within extra wire glued to the end to make a 4 pin plug but you can buy readymade 4 pin cables too.. I'll post a wiring diagram and pictures of how to wire everything later .


here is a crude diagram of ho to wire the xbee to the ezb

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its the same tracks i am using on my omnibot 2000 project ,it looks great,did you buy the tank upgrade kit for it ,ann are you using the vex 393 high torque motors ,adding latter encoders


yes im using the 393 motor, and i did not buy the tank track upgrade kit because it didn't look like it was going to do what i wanted so i used strips of rubber and glued them to the standard tracks.


mine before i change to use it on my omnibot,i made a vex robotic tank and had it climb rocks,over logs and on flat surface so very good,those track upgrade made a very big improvement


Do you need to use a special software or change something in the ez-software to use the xbee?


Imrsaac , where you been man. Worked the motors I sent you into the project yet?


jstarne1, sorry man been very busy lately. I moved and have a heavier load of classes so i might no be able to work on anything for a while. I started it a while back, made a mount for the motor to mount to the compressor but thats it. ill try to post some pics later.