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Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2023-08-22 - joined Synthiam
  • 2023-08-25 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2023-11-02 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2023-11-03 - started first conversation
  • 2023-11-08 - created first new question
  • 2023-11-11 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2023-11-11 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2023-11-11 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2023-11-26 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2023-11-26 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2023-12-03 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2023-12-19 - shared your first photo in the forum

Latest submissions

Connect Wiring For Iotiny To Arduino

Connect Wiring For Iotiny To Arduino

Hello, How do I connect the iotiny  to the arduino, wiring that is? I want to use arduino for motors and led. Also what skill would I use? Do you...
Ultrasonic Radar Panel Bot Keeps Doing Circles

Ultrasonic Radar Panel Bot Keeps Doing Circles

Hello everyone, Im using the HC-SR04 , works well but when using the Radar it detects then bot move back and just keeps doing...
Does Ezrobot Make A Shield Or Hat For Iotiny?

Does Ezrobot Make A Shield Or Hat For Iotiny?

Hello I was wondering if there is a shield for the iotiny / ezb so you can soldier/screw in connections instead of plugging  them...

Calling Custom Movement Panel In Script

Hello All,  How do I call motor movement in a script using the custom movement panel for 2 motors? The motors respond and work as desired in the custom movement panel by using the arrows. I do have a Dual Hbridge with no PWM(4 wire) but motors run to fast that is why Im using a custom movement panel. I have tried this with no success-...
Powering Mini/Micro PC With Lipo

Powering Mini/Micro PC With Lipo

Hello, Does anyone power there mini pc with a lipo? Example would be a Beelink computer.  If using lipo, what voltage do you have? Thank you

4 Pin Ultrasonic Sensor Iotiny

Hello can you use a 4 pin ultrasonic  sensor, like the SR-04, with the iotiny and if so how would it wire up? Im guessing it would use 2 digital ports on the iotiny. Thank you

Hasbro R2D2 2002 16Inch Upgrade Batteries To Lipo.

Hello I have been searching on the forum to an easy solution to replace the 4 AA and 4 D batteries on R2 with a lipo. Does anyone have a link providing existing conversion to lipo battery for Hasbro R2D2 16 2002? Also does anyone have .stl files to replace missing doors or parts for R2D2? Thank you all.

Bing Speech Recognition Pause Then Unpause

Hello, How do I pause then unpause Bing Speech Recognition using VAD? I can pause speech recognition but unpausing is not working. What am I doing wrong? Using -  ControlCommand(OpenAI ChatGPT, Send, getVar($BingSpeech)); ControlCommand(Bing Speech Recognition, PauseListening); ControlCommand(Bing Speech Recognition, UnpauseListening); Thank you.

Open AI Chatgpt Not Speaking Full Paragraph But Mouth Does Continue.

Hello All and hope everyone is getting ready for the holiday and spread cheer. Why when using OpenAI ChatGPT it will not speak the entire paragragh but the mouth does continue with paragragh? Is this a OpenAI ChatGPT limitation? Thank you.

Custom Haar Tracking Using Cascade Defined Model

Hello All -  How can I use a Custom Haar cascade model within the camera module? I would like to use a defined model, not sure where to I can place the .xml file directory Thanks as always everyone.
Open Ai Chat GPT Not Saving Edited Conversation

Open Ai Chat GPT Not Saving Edited Conversation

ARC Pro 11.29 How can I have Open Ai Chat GPT save the edited conversation? When I goto openai chatgpt and the conversation...
Cognitive Vision Not Speaking

Cognitive Vision Not Speaking

Hello All- How do I get Cognitive Vision to say what it sees from the camera? For some reason I can not get Cognitive Vision to speak the variable, it just says...

Camera Script To Reconnect, Does It Exist

Does a Camera script to reconnect, exist? Sometimes not often the camera disconnects. Can a script be implemented to reconnect it? Thank you.

Cognitive Vision Script Collection Only Executing Previous Vision

Hello All- Why is the script collection not executing the real time vision from Cognitive Vision skill? Im using Cognitive Vision - ControlCommand(Azure Text To Speech, speak, I see + getVar($VisionDescription)); and It works fine when I click describe image but when I make a script collection and execute same command it only speaks and sees what...

Bing Speech Wake Word Not Working

Hello All- I upgraded to ARC Pro 2023.11.15 and the wake word is not working anymore. I did remove Bing Speech and re-add it, no luck on wake word working. Any suggestions? I did reboot the computer. Bing Speech works fine with pressing the recording button and with VAD.

Azure Text To Speech, Talk Servo V2 Not Working

Hello All- Im sure im missing something, but here is what Im working with. EZ robot head- Azure Text to Speech Bing Speech Recognition with VAD OpenAI ChatGpt Everything works great but cant get the mouth to move from response Using speaker from robot head Azure selected to use Speak out of EZB   If I dont use Azure text to speech it works. Am I...

Camera Disconnects In Arc

Why does the camera disconnect in arc synthiam but wifi to io-tiny  remains connected?
Iotiny Boots Up With Audio Loop, Need Removed

Iotiny Boots Up With Audio Loop, Need Removed

Hello All- New ioTiny is booting up with an audio loop. I want it to stop.This happens even when there is no wifi connection. Does...
There Really Is A Santa

There Really Is A Santa

E-04 Power Harness

E-04 Power Harness

Hello All- Does the E-04 regulate power to 7.4v? Im using ez-robot inmoov head kit 4 servos, so that could be a factor. Can I use a 3s lipo 11.1v or even a 6s lipo 22.2v connected to...

AC To DC Power Supply

Hello all- Anyone have good suggestions for ac to dc power supply.  Im using the ez-robot inmoov head. 4 servos, io-tiny Thank you for reviewing.

Google Coral USB Accelerator

Hello All - I was wondering if you could use the Coral USB Accelerator on any of the ai skills?

Year 2023 ARC Synthiam What Are You Using For Hardware

Hello All -  I just started using ARC and Im impressed. I come from opencv and rpi world. I can see how ARC makes projects much faster to complete. I like it alot. Whats a good hardware platform for ARC? right now using ezb io-Tiny, fun. Also any other options for micro small camera besides the one for ezb-robot? Thank you all for the input.
Issues With Camera Device Robot Skill

Issues With Camera Device Robot Skill

Hello All- I load the Camera skill and camera works for a very short time then I get - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 EZ-B v4...
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