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Bing Speech Recognition Pause Then Unpause


How do I pause then unpause Bing Speech Recognition using VAD?

I can pause speech recognition but unpausing is not working. What am I doing wrong?

Using -  ControlCommand("OpenAI ChatGPT", "Send", getVar("$BingSpeech")); ControlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "PauseListening"); ControlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "UnpauseListening");

Thank you.

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To pause and then unpause the Bing Speech Recognition using Voice Activity Detection (VAD) in ARC, you can use the ControlCommand() script commands. These commands allow you to send instructions from one robot skill to another within your ARC project.

Here's how you can use the ControlCommand() to pause and unpause the Bing Speech Recognition:

  1. To pause the Bing Speech Recognition, use the following script command:
ControlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "PauseListening");
  1. To unpause (resume) the Bing Speech Recognition, use the following script command:
ControlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "UnpauseListening");

Make sure that the "Bing Speech Recognition" skill is correctly named in your project. If you have renamed the skill, you will need to use the new name in the ControlCommand() script.

If you are still experiencing issues with unpausing the speech recognition, ensure that the VAD is correctly configured and that there are no conflicts with other skills or scripts in your project. Additionally, check that your internet connection is stable, as Bing Speech Recognition requires an active connection to function.

If you have followed these steps and the issue persists, you may want to review the configuration settings of the Bing Speech Recognition skill in ARC and ensure that everything is set up correctly. You can also refer to the skill's manual for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips.

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