Release 2013.06.22.00

(Autonomous Robot Control Software)
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Due to the evacuation and flooding of our city, I've had some free time to code...

  • New HBridge PWM Movement Panel. Combines your HBridge and PWM settings into one.

  • Joystick control now supports speeds and smooth turning, etc. Currently the HBridge PWM control is the only supported for speeds. Soon the modified servo, Roomba and AutoPosition will be done.

  • EZ-Bit Sync utility now displays download progress.

  • New EZ-Script command SetSpeed() supports Left and Right wheel speeds

  • New EZ-Script command SetSpeedLeft()

  • New EZ-Script command SetSpeedRight()

  • New EZ-Script command GetSpeedRight()

  • New EZ-Script command GetSpeedLeft()

  • Debug popup smoother

  • Project Open dialog includes screenshot, information link and user defined image

Here is a video demonstrating the smooth turns and control using an analog joystick and HBridge PWM on the rover...

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Early access to new features & fixes Yes
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* 1 255
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Skill Store plugins* 1 Unlimited
Cognitive services usage** 10/day 6,000/day
Auto-positions gait actions* 40 Unlimited
Speech recongition phrases* 10 Unlimited
Camera devices* 1 Unlimited
Vision resolution max 320x240 Unlimited
Interface builder* 2 Unlimited
Cloud project size 128 MB
Cloud project revision history Yes
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* Per robot project
** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)


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United Kingdom

Thanks, the pwm in the Movement Panel is going to make things easier and, well, everything will. This is a great update for movement.


WOW! Thanks so much DJ! One question regarding the "New EZ-Script command GetSpeedRight()" of left, where is the script command getting the speed info from...H-Bridge,PWM or any generic posistioning device like a Hall device or IFR?:) ........I am really hoping it will be any generic positioning device!


Wow DJ, flooded out of the office and you still managed to find a way to sneak in some work. It's painfully obvious you have a true passion for your craft. Most would have used a national disaster as an, IMHO completely valid, excuse to take a day off. I admire your passion DJ. Thanks for loving what you do and thanks again for bringing EZ Robot to us all.


I hope this is just me but my EZ Bits are gone. In the manager, they all only have a file size and are at category 0. Projects load with a bunch of can not be null errors. Is it in fact just me or is this a real bug?


@Antron, interesting... Can you post your project here? One that references your custom EZ-Bits. I'd like to see what could have changed to affect that.


Wow, Very nice. Thanks for working for us when you have so many other things going on around you personally.


It's not just this project it's all projects. JD and Six as well. This is the error I get as well. Hope that helps. If there's any other info you may need, I'll do my best to provide it.

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Okay, I see! I just posted a new version. But you will have to manually uninstall the previous version to upgrade to this one. That's because Windows Installer is a little dumb when it comes to release dates. It can only have one release per day... Silly Microsoft:)

Download the latest ARC and let me know if it works, please.

There are a few changes being done in the EZ-Bit Library while we're in beta. We should be out of beta shortly:)


Well my projects load without errors, and all of my bits are all back but, there doesn't appear to be any new bits to down load? Hmm? Odd.;) Seriously though, thank you DJ. I appreciate your time and attention, especially when you have so much going on. If you don't mind, for my nerdy curiosity, what was the problem?



There are no new EZ-Bits. Were you expecting new ones? Our new solidworks designer doesn't start until July 1st. New EZ-Bits will be appearing then. There are hundreds of other things we are doing in the meantime.

The problem was the XML namespace within the EZ-Bit configuration files. The same class used for the EZ-Bits is inherited from the webservice and includes an XML namespace. Microsoft's built-in webservice doesn't include a progress report in it's asynchronous methods - which is why there was no progress bar on downloading before. The new EZ-Bit downloader from this release doesn't use the Microsoft webservice, and therefore simply downloads the raw bytes of the serialized and compressed object, then saves it to the file system. For some reason, the xml namespace was missing. Which is strange, considering it was uploaded to the webservice and the xml namespace would have been saved.

Anyway, I had to create an override method for the streamreader during deserialization to strip the namespace. And in the autogenerated classes from the webservice, I manually edited them and commented out the namespace declaration. This would give the classes a default namespace of "" (blank) and the new streamreader deserializer would strip any namespace from the stringreader and convert it to "" (Blank) also. This would allow all XML files with the same structure to be read - wether the namespace is the same or not:)

It's always Microsoft trying to make things difficult for me haha


@Anton, I noticed in your project that you are using the GetRandom() function to play random sounds from the soundboard.

There is a Track_Random option for the ControlCommand() SoundBoard. Press the "Cheat Sheet" tab when editing your script. It will display all possible control commands for each control in your project. You can click on one of the ControlCommand examples and it will add it to your code for you:)


You're singing the micro soft blues to the choir my friend. And no, I wasn't expecting new ez bits. I figured I'd just give you a friendly jab. It is good to know when I can start to expect some. I've just been checking every day or two, or two or three times a day, something like that.

Speaking of ez bits, I've made a few and uploaded them, I noticed when I got my laptop and installed everything I went to the library to download ez bits and all of mine downloaded onto my machine. Which was super cool for me. Are those available to everyone or is it like having a non public project on the cloud?


We have had a lot of EZ-Bit's uploaded, but waiting on some things before we can start the certification process. We hired a 3D Printing manager who will be printing all EZ-Bits that are uploaded. He starts July 1st.

The solidworks will be starting at the same time. He will be producing some pretty awesome stuff. We're going to have dalek's and more robots and a Wall-e and more!

We have a programmer starting shortly to work on the website also. He will be implementing our 3D Printing Community. This will allow you to send files to people on our community to have them printed. We're also looking at printing internally ourself. It may happen - we're not entirely sure if that's a responsibility we want to take.


Yeah, manufacturing is entirely separate business at the end of the day. I know from personal experience not to spread yourself too thin.

I have uploaded a few. Mostly the stl's you gave us. I just turned them into ez bits so I could have the individual pieces to experiment with. I did however make a pretty accurate placeholder for the disc attachment that came with the servos in my ez complete. Ez bits inspired me to finally sit down and learn how do at least something in 3d software. I had an issue with the sketchup to stl plug in so I had to figure out 123d design;)

Thanks again for your special touch DJ. I look forward to bugging you for most of the rest of our lives.


Hello DJ Sure, one thing I'd like to have in ARC is to add more option for windows like the Compass, I had purchased two GY-26 and made them work with script but the adress and read data do not look to be the same as your application so it's not working in the Compass windows. The GY-26 seems to work very well and do not need to be so near of the EZ-board, mine are at 5'' for now. I have attach a picture of my test set-up. And, if you can write in the window compass the variables we can use it can be a great addition.

Also, In EZ-Script setting, you can't use the key CTRL-C, CTRL-V from the right panel to the left one, Windows do not like it and prompt an errors.

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Hey Andre, thanks for the comments. We do not natively support that compass module. The compass module we natively support is the Sure Dual Axis - the information can be found by pressing the ? button on the Compass Control in ARC.

You can add a custom script to support that compass, but you will need some help from an experienced member of the community - if you're not familiar with scripting.:)


Hello DJ Sures, the GY-26 are working fine, i made the script for it... I'm newbee but scripting is easy in EZ so it was not so hard. It was just a suggestion for an improvement to the Compass panel because I like it but i do not like the Sure Dual Axis. Look at the picture in my previous post, the assembly is very cheap and it's functionning without trouble.

Thank you so much for your hard work !


OMG speed control....awsome nice addition. Sounds like you will have quite the crew there after July 1st. As a note the new servo magazine spotlights Mark his robots and the Robot Combat League.