Change Release Notes
You may now control your EZ-Robot from your Android Mobile Device! This includes both EZ-B v3 and EZ-B v4 Robots! The Android App can be installed on your Android Phone, Android Tablet, or Android Game Device. The ARC Mobile for Android Application will load ARC files that you created and save to the EZ-Cloud.
This is the beta release of the ARC Android Mobile App. There are a few known bugs, specifically with the EZ-B v3. As usual, we will continue updating the app and making it more awesome and reliable.
Installation Instructions
From your Android Device, select the download link:
Once downloaded, select Open from your notification menu
You will be prompted to active Unknown Sources from the Settings menu. This is because you are downloading the file from our website and not Google Play or Amazon, etc...
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ARC Free
- Includes one free 3rd party plugin robot skill per project
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- Free with trial limitations
For schools, personal use & organizations. This edition is updated every 6-12 months.
Only $8.99/mo
- 2 or more PCs simultaneously
- Includes unlimited skills
- Cloud backup
- And much more
Experience the latest features and bug fixes weekly. A Pro subscription is required to use this edition.
- Load and run any ARC project
- Operates in read-only mode
- Unlimited robot skills
- Early access fixes & features
Have you finished programming your robot? Use this to run existing ARC projects for free*.
- Minimum requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 2+gb ram and 500+MB free space.
- Recommended requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 8+gb ram and 1000+MB free space.
- ARC Free known-issues can be viewed by clicking here.
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Feature | ARC FREE |
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Usage | Personal DIY Education |
Personal DIY Education Business |
Early access to new features & fixes | Yes | |
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* | 1 | 255 |
Robot skills* | 20 | Unlimited |
Skill Store plugins* | 1 | Unlimited |
Cognitive services usage** | 10/day | 6,000/day |
Auto-positions gait actions* | 40 | Unlimited |
Speech recongition phrases* | 10 | Unlimited |
Camera devices* | 1 | Unlimited |
Vision resolution | max 320x240 | Unlimited |
Interface builder* | 2 | Unlimited |
Cloud project size | 128 MB | |
Cloud project revision history | Yes | |
Create Exosphere requests | 50/month | |
Exosphere API access | Contact Us | |
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** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)
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Awesome! Thanks man!
Got an incompatible project type version.
I know I saved that project a while back with an older version of the ezb software. Might that bethe problem?
only projects saved with the most recent ARC will work on the mobile app
Thanks again.
Nice, I'll have a play with this later
Update: It installs and runs fine on my HTC One X (I'll try later on my Iconia B1 tablet that's slower than a snail pulling a sloth). Ping Roam 1.2.0 Alpha opened without a problem however since I'm at work I couldn't test it other than hitting the controls.
HBridge control opened fine Connection opened fine Emergency Stop Script opened fine and apparently run fine
Horizontal servo unavailable Script Manager unavailable Floor Map unavailable Notes unavailable
Although, as stated by DJ we are to expect limited use at this stage. Let me just point out that the "unavailables" are not complaints but observations.
For a very, very, very, very (is that enough verys?) beta it's great and a huge bonus since we weren't expecting V3 support.
I almost called in sick today and canceled my dinner plans to stay home and play with this. Holiday weekend coming up so I'll have time then.
This is very exciting news.
@dj sures downloaded app and installs fine on nexus 7 2012 and 2013 versions. bluetooth connects to ez-b and pair. But unable connect in app. I will wait for next pre pre pre... beta version. Great job to you and associates.

updated at 3:45pm local time. try once more and got it to work. on nexus 7 2012 version. j
nexus 7 2013 works too.
Thank you D.J., Any updates on I-phones? I know you had to get approved @I tunes. Steve S
Awesome DJ. I'm looking forward playing with this. (Sorry if was being annoying with all of the recent solicitations
[update] I've got it and although I've only looked at it and loaded my latest project (it's not really configured for either 3 or 4 yet). It loaded fine.
To add to Rich's list, Variable Watch is not available either. Not picking, just keeping track.
So how exactly do we really use this? We'll start with V3 because it's the one most of us have right now. Do we simply pair our phone to the ezb?
Thanks again EZ Crew. [/update]
We will post a quick video tutorial on how to use the App. Not all controls are supported - and some controls simply can't be supported. However, you will receive a message when you see one that isn't.
The video will be up soon that gives you a walk-though on how to create a specific robot app.
You're amazing DJ. I look forward to the video. Thanks.
Thanks for the nice words everyone
We do have an iPhone app too - but it only works with EZ-B v4 because of WiFi. The iPhone cannot connect Bluetooth to the EZ-B v3 due to software limitations on the iPhone. The iPhone is locked down preventing the SPP protocol from being used... This is why the iPhone app is limited to EZ-B v4
Hello !
This little PC can be use ?
MiniPC android 4.2.2 quadcore
If it has wifi then yup
and 4.0.0 minimum
There is wifi
It's just a tablet without screen/battery/casing
So....can you use a USB port with that android USB plug and boom?
I guess I'm asking what would you plug that USB dongle into. And how do you set up the ezb software into it?
Very interested in this android USB.
Well hellooooo, Gamechanger. hoolagen, bro, look closer. thats an HDMI. Stick that into the back of any tv/projector/whateverdisplaywithanHDMI...thats awesome, I want one.
Many thanks to DJ and his crew for making this android app happen:) I'm gonna find the tiniest droid I can and attach it to my humanoid lol
One more thing: Anybody who is thinking about backing out of the pre-order will be missing out big time. All I can say is the wait WILL be worth it. Not may, but will. Ive recieved two courtesy emails and I thank ez-robot for giving me the opportunity to have a refund.
I wouldn't miss out on this for anything:)
ahhhhh i see it now. i was thinking that can be used as an On board ultra small "pc" for the likes of my wall-e and otherr super small robots.
There are (or were at least) some major issues with the wifi on those small android "convert your TV to a smart TV" boxes. This one I believe is one which has received a lot of negativity from it's poor WiFi (amongst other things).
you're right RICH!
Be sure to read the test and review before you buy. There is the worst and the best with all these small PC android.
But many people asking too many things to this type of PC, but for our use it can be perfect!
It is the same hardware that a tablet but embeddable!
My concerns would be:
The OS version make sure it is 4.0.0 minimum
Processor type and speed. The MHz speed of a processor is not enough to understand it's MIPS and core count. ARC Mobile is multi threaded to take advantage of multiple cores
@DJ Sures wrote: "- Processor type and speed. The MHz speed of a processor is not enough to understand it's MIPS and core count. ARC Mobile is multi threaded to take advantage of multiple cores"
Thanks for this point. I was thinking of embedding one of my older Android phones, but only my newest phone and tablet are multi-core, so I may instead either use one of the tablets (I hardly ever use my Xoom) or buy a device specifically for the purpose if it works well enough that I give up my initial plans of embedding a Windows PC.
see that's what I was thinking can we (now with the mobile app) use a capable android phone as an embedded pc.?
I think it would work because: (no p.c. needed, except to set up the phone with the proper "apps")
I think it wont work because: other than the camera (now doesn't need the wifi dongle) we don't have any usb ports to add devices although off the top of my head I cant think of anything you would need since the v4 has sound and video......
can we use a capable android phone as an embedded pc?
I'll be interested to see if (or how well) voice commands work on Android, and if they need any screen interaction to start. That would be key to me using it as embedded.
Even if not, it gives a great option for remote control. If I just want to move my robot from one place to another, or do some simple remote presence, I would leave the PC off or disconnected and use my phone. When I want autonomous or more advanced behaviors, I would power on or connect the PC (and still be able to use my Android phone as a remote control when voice commands invariably fail - noisy conditions, etc...).
I just see so much opportunity here for really cool ways of interacting. I'll be happy with whatever we get (I am thrilled with the V3 support. I'll still probably eventually replace it with another V4, but this removes some of the pressure to do so right away), but I am sure I will be making many suggestions to continue to push the envelope as development continues.
I first discovered EZ-B when I heard about (which seems to have died out) and started looking around for the hardware needed to make it work. But I was dis-satisfied with the limitations (I wanted a grasping arm, and the software basically just did movement and remote presence through Google Talk) and found the far more powerful EZ-B. I had totally given up on using an Android phone as the computer brain until a few weeks ago when DJ showed the work in progress, so I am totally re-thinking everything now and haven't come to any solid conclusions about direction yet.
With respect to the iOS app, when will we see that in the App Store, I don't have android.
will the iOS app offer the same features as android, would you say one is better than the other? Besides form not being EZ-B V3 compatible are there any other notable differences?
There are plenty of inexpensive android 8" tabs out there so I am willing to invest if the benefit outweighs the cost..
I want to be 100% ready for when the V4 turns up in my post box
Works on my kindle just fine fyi
Andy1939, I did not realize the new Android mobile app would work on a Kindle? I bought my wife a Kindle 8.9 HD. What controls do you have it doing? Any V.R.? Thank You, Steve S
@Steve, Yep the Kindle Fire and all subsequent release (like the HD) are basically Android tablets. We got a Fire for one our nieces for xmas the year they came out. That's what made me decide to buy a tablet of my own. I was pretty impressed with it.
It installs on the kindle but I have yet to see my library via kindle but I have one using the desktop ARC. A bug or cockpit error?
Andy1939 , Did you get the Android app working on your Kindle? Does the app show on your kindle? Mine tries to download, but no app. I read you must "allow" apps from non typical sites. I cannot find that option on my Kindle and it does not ask me during download. I am trying to download it on my wife,s Kindle 8.9 HD. Maybe I have to wait for my IOS phone? Hope not, works so cool on my desktop. Such a great feature for the EZB3. Has anyone successfully used it on a Kindle? Thank You, Steve S
Hey Steve, just buy a cheap Galaxy Tab 3... Got a 7inch from Best Buy for $149 just after Christmas...
rryerson , Thank you for the response, but I wish I could use my current Kindle 8.9 HD tablet. Maybe I am not doing something right? Is it working ok on your Galaxy Tab 3? Steve S
Yep, works great on my Tab 3
I don't think you can sideload apps on a Kindle without rooting it. It runs Android, but it is an Amazon modified version of Android and doesn't have access to Google Apps, the Google Play store, or many other functions typical of Android tablets (like I don't think the Kindle has GPS or Compass sensors).
Alan, Thank you for the response, what is "rooting It" ? I think you mentioned in previous response about downloading to a PC, then an Android? How would I do that? Maybe it not compatible with Kindle? I received no responses from anyone who has successfully used it on a Kindle. If not, it is a nice feature that I look forward to on my IOS. Maybe there will be an app for theEZB4 and EZB3 with IOS? Thank You, Steve S
Rooting is basically breaking the built-in security to give you access to the underlying operating system functions. I don't even know if it can be done on a kindle . It was trivial on the first Nook. Best to start your search for information on Android or Kindle forums. Search for "sideload apk on a kindle" to get started.
@Steve- I'll save you a little time and recommend going to xda developers web site. You can search for your device and begin more research there. I've rooted most of my Android devices. This is one of the best places I've found for information on this subject. I hope that helps.
Thank you Alan and Antron007, I did find the option to allow outside apps on my Kindle and changed it to allow, but still no app. I will have look into the web sites on rooting. Steve S
I would have recommended XDA, but some of the threads can be fairly deep and unfriendly to people who ask beginner questions. You'll find what you need there for sure, but do some searching before asking any questions or you will be treated unkindly
You might find easier tutorial or beginner instructions going to Kindle specific forums vs XDA.
Just my two cents.
I just came across this tutorial for sideloading apps on a Kindle Fire:
Hope it is helpful.
@thetechguru- Lol, I never really paid attention but I guess you're right about the XDA forums.
Alan the "thetechguru" , I finally have EZ-Robot Mobile running on my Kindle 8.9 HD thanks to you. After looking @ your last post, I downloaded the app "ES File Explorer". I did not have to sideload to my pc then Kindle. I opened ES File app and I could browse around my Kindle! I found ARC.apk, clicked on it, and then hit install. The app showed on my app menu. I could not retrieve my mobile app from the cloud because it was too large? I created a new small file and mobile app on my PC and saved it. It loaded on the Kindle, and I was able to pair. My custom Movement Panel mobile app., that works on my PC mobile app screen, would not work on the Kindle. I understand the app is beta. I created the generic Roomba Movement Panel back on my PC and it later worked on my Kindle! I can not connect to EZB3 and my Bluetooth speaker @ the same time. Thank you for your extra effort! EZ Robot is kind. Will try other options later. Steve S
Fantastic news. Glad I could help.
I had a similar issue with the Mobile app and my RoboSapien. I had to change the movement scripts from forward() to RoboSapien("Move Forward") [or what ever the command is.] You may want to try that.... Never mind I just looked and there doesn't appear to be any kinda of roomba movement script commands. So it looks like you'll probably have to wait for EZ-Robot co. to update the Mobile App to support it.
I was going to mention estrongs but I wasn't sure if you could get it. I haven't touched a Fire since we bought one for a niece the christmas they came out so I couldn't remember how limited its access to the Play Store (Market back then) was. Estrongs is a great app and it just gets better all of the time. It's been on every Android device I've owned since the OG, Droid 1 came out. I just didn't want to send you on a wild goose chase.
If you're Movement Panel doesn't work, I would recommend building a custom interface anyway. You can click on the ? button in the Mobile Interface Builder control to view a tutorial video.
There really isn't a point to using the desktop view - specifically since you can create custom mobile interfaces.
I install the app on my smartphone whit android 4.1.1, I activate the Bluetooth and paired whit my ez-robot. But when I try to connect to the robot from the app, the app says "Please Wait...." but never doses anything more. Any help? Thx!
im also having this issues with 2014-02-08.
Regarding IOS and bluetooth, I had an issue with a bluetooth 3rd party api compatibility that I worked around with CoreBluetooth. One can directly read and decode the packets. This might be a preferred methodology being how inconsiderate Apple is with backward comparability. Otherwise the majority of IOS updates will likely break your app.