The ARC Script Manual.


DefineArray( variable, size, [default value] ) Creates an array of the variable to the specified size. Optionally, you may also pass a value that will be used for the default values. Example: DefineArray($myArray, 10) Example: DefineArray($myArray, 10, 2)

Digital_Wait (digitalPort, on/off/true/false, [delay ms]) Wait until the digital port status has changed The optional parameter Delay MS is the millisecond delay for checking. This value determines the delay between checks. Example: Digital_Wait(D12, ON) Example: Digital_Wait(D12, ON, 50)

Down( [milliSeconds] ) Using the servo port settings from a Movement Panel Control, this will lower your drone robot up Optionally, you can specify the number of milliseconds to turn. Example #1: Down() Example #2: Down(1000)

DroneEmergency() Tell your flying drone to reset from emergency or power down when flying. This command should be added a button on the joystick so you may stop the drone so it does not get away or in danger.

DumpVariables( ) Prints a list of all variables and their respective values separated by CRLF. This is used for the TCP Server clients which require a collection of variables. Example: DumpVariables()


Digital Ports These ports are used to turn on and off devices with voltage. The digital ports can also be used for detecting if the input voltage is in an On or Off state. For output, the digital ports may control servos, transmit PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and send serial data. Consult the Learn Section of our website for more information on the different modes of Digital Port Types. D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23

Dynamixel Servos (protocol v1) for AX/RX/EX (Port D5) Standard hobby servos use a pulse width modulation for setting the position. Optionally, more advanced users may use the higher priced Dynamixel servos for increased position resolution and strength. These servos are connected together in a chain of wiring (each servo connects to the previous servo). Connect the signal wire of the servo chain to the D5 Port of the EZ-B v4. This feature does not work on the EZ-B v3. AX0 AX1 AX2 AX3 AX4 AX5 AX6 AX7 AX8 AX9 AX10 AX11 AX12 AX13 AX14 AX15 AX16 AX17 AX18 AX19 AX20 AX21 AX22 AX23 AX24 AX25 AX26 AX27 AX28 AX29 AX30 AX31 AX32 AX33 AX34 AX35 AX36 AX37 AX38 AX39 AX40 AX41 AX42 AX43 AX44 AX45 AX46 AX47 AX48 AX49 AX50

Dynamixel Servos (protocol v2) for XL-320 & Pro (Port D5) Standard hobby servos use a pulse width modulation for setting the position. Optionally, more advanced users may use the higher priced Dynamixel servos for increased position resolution and strength. These servos are connected together in a chain of wiring (each servo connects to the previous servo). Connect the signal wire of the servo chain to the D5 Port of the EZ-B v4. This feature does not work on the EZ-B v3. AXV0 AXV1 AXV2 AXV3 AXV4 AXV5 AXV6 AXV7 AXV8 AXV9 AXV10 AXV11 AXV12 AXV13 AXV14 AXV15 AXV16 AXV17 AXV18 AXV19 AXV20 AXV21 AXV22 AXV23 AXV24 AXV25 AXV26 AXV27 AXV28 AXV29 AXV30 AXV31 AXV32 AXV33 AXV34 AXV35 AXV36 AXV37 AXV38 AXV39 AXV40 AXV41 AXV42 AXV43 AXV44 AXV45 AXV46 AXV47 AXV48 AXV49 AXV50

Digital Port Outout Baud Rates The digital ports can output Serial, which differs from the UART. Using any digital port as a Serial Output command can be done by using the SendSerial() command. Using a digital port this way does not include an input buffer. For input buffers, use the UARTx functions. 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200

DateTime Functions MinDate() MaxDate() MonthName() AddDays() AddMonths() AddYears() AddHours() AddMinute() AddSeconds() FmtNum() FmtDate()


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