The ARC Script Manual.


Max( value1, value2 ) Returns the highest of the two values specified. Example: $highest = Min(3, 5)

Min( value1, value2 ) Returns the lowest of the two values specified. Example: $lowest = Min(3, 5)

Move (servoPort, forward/stop/reverse) Set a modified servo to move Example: Move(D14, forward)

Movement_Wait ( forward/reverse/stop/left/right ) Wait until a movement from the Movement Panel is specified. Even if another script executes a movement, this will execute Example: Movement_Wait(FORWARD)

MP3TriggerNext( digitalPort, baud ) Plays the next MP3 track from the MP3 Trigger Shield Example: MP3TriggerPlayNext( d0, 38400 )

MP3TriggerPrev( digitalPort, baud ) Plays the previous MP3 track from the MP3 Trigger Shield Example: MP3TriggerPrevious( d0, 38400 )

MP3TriggerPlayRandomTrack( digitalPort, baud, lowestTrackNum, highestTrackNum ) Plays a random MP3 track from the MP3 Trigger Shield between the supplied track numbers Example: MP3TriggerPlayRandomTrack( d0, 38400, 1, 10 )

MP3TriggerStop( digitalPort, baud ) Stops the current MP3 track from the MP3 Trigger Shield Starts the mp3 file if not playing Example: MP3TriggerStop( d0, 38400 )

MP3TriggerPlayTrack( digitalPort, baud, trackNumber, [pause time] ) Plays the specified MP3 track from the MP3 Trigger Shield Optionally, the Pause Time value can be used which disables the Speech Recognition control for the specified number of milliseconds. Example: MP3TriggerPlayTrack( d0, 38400, 1 ) Example: MP3TriggerPlayTrack( d0, 38400, 1, 3000 )

MP3TriggerVolume( digitalPort, baud, volume ) Set the volume of the mp3 trigger between 0 and 255. 0 is louded, 255 is quiet. Example: MP3TriggerVolume( d0, 38400, 20 )


Multiple EZ-B Boards

EZ-Builder supports multiple physical EZ-B Boards connected to your computer. You can specify the board by putting the board number in front of the port. For example: Servo(2.d0, 8) will move the D0 servo on EZ-B board #2 to position 8. If no board index is specified, the first board (zero) is assumed. If using more than one board, the first board is always responsible for movement panels.


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