Synbot Plugin Tutorial - interface to Syn Bot Software


How To install bot software, EZ builder Synbot plugin and example SIML project files

Introduction : Discover Synthetic Intelligence Network Bot development framework

Synthetic Intelligence Network is a brand of REVARN Cybernetics. An Artificial Intelligence Software development company established in Bangalore.

This tutorial introduce you to their Bot development Framework and to the EZ Builder SynBot plugin I have developped. It also introduce with example files to a SIML pseudo Framework which can make easier creation of bot dialogs intended for EZ Robots Command , with a multi language approach (English and french in the examples)

It enables you to create and deploy your Bot as a standalone package linked to EZ Builder Software on your own server.

In SIML code examples , characters > and < of SIML tags have been replaced with ] and [ in order to be displayable in the tutorial.

User-inserted image


To learn more on SIML :

To begin :


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