Synbot Plugin Tutorial - interface to Syn Bot Software

Plugin and Framework Roadmaps

Improving vocabulary and commands regognized in the SIML EZ Framework. Integrating SIX , ROLLI and AdventureBOT specific Commands.

Some New Tags Adaptators are in Progress or are needing to be refactored and adapted to multi language French and English :

Facebook Messenger Input stream Geonames searching WeatherUnderground Searching Date and time SIML models Calculator models

And in priority Advanced Learning Models - with the ability to give Learning capabilities to the Bot - For example Learn to the Bot on family

Learn than Lionel is my son Learn than Julie is my daughter Learn than Karine is my daughter Learn than John is my Son

And give the bot abilities to answer correctly to user input as : Who are my children ? Who are my sons ? Who are my daughters ? Who is Julie in my family ?


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Unleash your creativity with the power of easy robot programming using Synthiam ARC Pro