Synbot Plugin Tutorial - interface to Syn Bot Software

EZ Robot Commands SIML Framework - Configuration - Managing movement speed and duration

Configuring Movement Speed]

For Global Robot Movement direction control commands , a [Speed Adjective] can be used to define movement speed. Maps move_speed_fr and move_speed_en are used to configure for the suffixed language (fr and en) the text keywords which will be recognized in User Input messages as a [Speed Adjective)

[Map Name="move_speed_en"]
    [MapItem Content="SPEEDNORMAL" Value="NORMAL" /]
    [MapItem Content="normally" Value="NORMAL" /]
    [MapItem Content="very slowly" Value="VERYSLOW" /]
    [MapItem Content="slowly" Value="SLOW" /]
    [MapItem Content="at full speed" Value="FULL" /]
    [MapItem Content="full speed" Value="FULL" /]
    [MapItem Content="quickly" Value="FAST" /]
    [MapItem Content="fast" Value="FAST" /]
    [MapItem Content="very fast" Value="VERYFAST" /]
    [MapItem Content="very quickly" Value="VERYFAST" /]

Value is a one word mnemonic link to the Map move_speed_global in which are defined for the mnemonic link entry speed parameters (valid for every language used).

 [Map Name="move_speed_global"]
    [MapItem Content="NORMAL" Value="100" /]
    [MapItem Content="LOWNORMAL" Value="80" /]
    [MapItem Content="SLOW" Value="60" /]
    [MapItem Content="VERYSLOW" Value="20" /]
    [MapItem Content="FULL" Value="255" /]
    [MapItem Content="FAST" Value="160" /]
    [MapItem Content="VERYFAST" Value="200" /]
    [MapItem Content="VERYVERYFAST" Value="230" /]
    [MapItem Content="ALMOSTNULL" Value="2" /]

For each Entry is specify the speed value corresponding between 1 to 255 ( See EZ Builder Documentation)

Movement Speed Command]

Maps move_speed_fr and move_speed_en are used to configure for the suffixed language (fr and en) the text keywords which will be recognized in User Input messages as a [Action on speed]

[Map Name="action_speed_en"]
    [MapItem Content="much slower" Value="D 50" /]
    [MapItem Content="much faster" Value="I 50" /]
    [MapItem Content="much quicker" Value="I 50" /]
    [MapItem Content="faster" Value="I 20" /]
    [MapItem Content="quicker" Value="I 20" /]
    [MapItem Content="slower" Value="D 20" /]
    [MapItem Content="slow down" Value="D 20" /]
    [MapItem Content="more gently" Value="D 20" /]
    [MapItem Content="more slowly" Value="D 20" /]
    [MapItem Content="full speed" Value="X 255" /]

Word 1 is a character indicating if action is Decreasing D or Increasing I speed - Value X is reserved for future use. Word 2 is the speed increment or decrement when several successive commands are input by user , control is done to keep speed values between 0 and 255.

Configuring Movement Duration]

Structure of [movement duration] is [During adverb] [number] [timing unit] for example "during 2200 milliseconds"

[During adverb] is configured for french and english language in SIMLMaps pendant_durant_fr and pendant_durant_en

[Map Name="pendant_durant_en"]
    [MapItem Content="For" Value="T" /]
    [MapItem Content="During" Value="T" /]

[number] is defined as a regex in regex SIML file @NOMBRE1_999999 [timing unit] is configured for french and english language in maps timing_fr and timing_en

  [Map Name="timing_en"]
    [MapItem Content="milliseconds" Value="1" /]
    [MapItem Content="milli seconds" Value="1" /]
    [MapItem Content="seconds" Value="1000" /]
    [MapItem Content="second" Value="1000" /]
    [MapItem Content="minutes" Value="60000" /]
    [MapItem Content="minute" Value="60000" /]

Content entry give the milliseconds value for the timing unit.


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