Synbot Plugin Tutorial - interface to Syn Bot Software

Step 7 bis : Working with Bot Emotions

Emotions can be configured in SIML File EMOTIONML in Settings Folder.

Setting the value of Bot Emotion :

During a bot session , Bot emotion can be set either in SIML Bot files or in EZ Builder scripts. Variable value type is always a string type. If the variable doesn't exit , it is created.

In SIML : [BotEmotion ID="Sad" /] In EZ Builder Scripts :

Setbotemotion("Emotion ID")

or for using in Blockly

$Botemotion = "Emotion ID"
ControlCommand("Synbot Plugin", Setbotemotion)

Getting the value of Bot Emotion :

In SIML : [BotEmotion Get="id" /] In EZ Builder Scripts :


or for using in Blockly

ControlCommand("Synbot Plugin", Getbotemotion)

Result value is returned in $Botemotion EZB variable

Synbot plugin Configuration:

Whenever Bot Emotion value is changed , value of $Botemotion EZB variable is updated. You can also in plugin Configuration Form specify a default init value for Bot Emotion which will be set when you start the Bot Session. if the configured default Emotion is Empty , Bot Emotion will be saved and restore from one session to another for the same User , if the configured default Emotion is Empty.

You can also configure an EZ Builder Script which will be executed every time Bot emotion Changed.

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Framework integration:

In order to demonstrate use of Bot Emotion , framework example include some new features

A new [Verb] Show Yourself in order to be able to set Bot Emotion - which is a [free attribute] Verb bbId and Verb AuthoId are set to "EMOTION" Map Emotion is used to control free attribute (3rd word in content is link to the emotion ID)

[Map Name="Emotion"]
    [MapItem Content="fr|triste" Value="%1M EMPTY sad" /]
    [MapItem Content="en|sad" Value="%1M EMPTY sad" /]
    [MapItem Content="fr|en colère" Value="%1M EMPTY angry" /]
    [MapItem Content="fr|furieux" Value="%1M EMPTY angry" /]
    [MapItem Content="fr|furax" Value="%1M EMPTY angry" /]
    [MapItem Content="fr|en rage" Value="%1M EMPTY angry" /]

and Map Emotion_lib is used to retrieve a label corresponding to Emotion ID and language used

[Map Name="Emotion_lib"]
     [MapItem Content="fr|0|sad" Value="triste" /] 
     [MapItem Content="en|0|sad" Value="sad" /]
     [MapItem Content="fr|0|angry" Value="en colère" /] 
     [MapItem Content="en|0|angry" Value="angry" /] 
     [MapItem Content="fr|0|bored" Value="ennuyé" /] 
     [MapItem Content="en|0|bored" Value="bored" /]

Action for EMOTION Workflag has been created with lauching of an EZBuilder Script

[Case Value="EMOTION"][Goto xml:space="preserve"]XXXXXXXCHANGEEMOTION[/Goto][Var Set="EZscript"]Bot Emotion Change Action[/Var][/Case]

code] [Model] [Pattern]XXXXXXXCHANGEEMOTION[/Pattern] [Response xml:space="preserve"] [Think] [Var Set="Messchangedemotion"]Messchangedemotion_[User Get="Userlanguage" /][/Var] [Var Set="emotionname"][Text WordAt="3"][User Get="Contentmapfree" /][/Text][/Var] [!--Change Bot Emotion--] [BotEmotion ID="{Bind Var:emotionname}" /] [Var Set="Messchangedemotion"]Messchangedemotion_[Var Get="emotionname" /][User Get="Userlanguage" /][/Var] [!--Test if a specific message exist for the bot emotion id--] [Var Set="Emotionanswerexisting"][Random Get="{Bind Var:Messchangedemotion}" /][/Var] [!--If not take the default message--] [If Var="Emotionanswerexisting" Value=""] [Var Set="Messchangedemotion"]Messchangedemotion[User Get="Userlanguage" /][/Var] [/If] [!--Message will be said with waiting--] [Var Set="Mess1replace" xml:space="preserve"][Random Get="{Bind Var:Messchangedemotion}" /][/Var] [/Think] [/Response] [/Model]

Some news models have been integrated in Bot Dialogs SIML file , in order to be able to query on Bot Emotion.

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