Flex Sensor with an ADC Port Tutorial


Here is a companion tutorial to go with the ADC tutorial. The ADC ports on the EZ-b v4 can host a number of different kinds of sensors that run on 3.3 volts. There are some sensors however that need a helping hand to work and the v4's analog ports, and flex sensors are one such sensor. In this tutorial, I will go through the steps for how to get a flex sensor up and running on an ADC port.

Parts Needed

It's a pretty straight forward process and only requires a few parts, which are...

A 1x Flex/Bend Sensor,

One 10 Kohm pull up resistor,

A soldering iron and some solder (preferably lead free solder to keep you healthy),

One servo extension wire,

A pair of wire cutters/strippers,

And an EZ-B v4 with power supply and ARC running on your computer.

OPTIONAL: You can use a solder-less breadboard or make your own circuit board.

The following steps will now guide you through the process.


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