Richard R And Bhouston In Make Magazine



Congrats to @Richard R and @Bhouston for getting their inMoov robots published! It's pretty awesome seeing you guys in the forums getting some much deserved recognition:) I'd loved to see more of you guys getting your stuff published or featured.

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South Africa

You deserve it! Well done

United Kingdom

@Richard and @David.

Guys, this is just awesome news. I'm so pleased for you guys. I just read the article, really good, and thought I would jump in and leave the first comment on the Make site to get the ball rolling.

You both deserve the recognition and deserved to be published. Along with the help and support you guys offer on the forum, as well the skill and dedication you put in to your work, it's a pleasure to know you both. Keep up the great work. I really couldn't be happier for you both.




Thanks @Jeremie! and everyone.... Bob sent me a link to the article a few weeks ago... They mentioned ez robot in Bob's side bar but not in mine for some reason.... It won't matter as soon when you see robots doing amazing stuff, you'll know automatically they are EZ Robot powered...:)

P.S... Don't let DJ sell the company LOL....


Congrats and applause to both of you for your great work:)

United Kingdom

Great Job Guys!

I do commend you guys, and everyone who has built or building the InMoov.

I've started two weeks ago, after getting a 3D Printer ( Flashforge Dreamer ), and I see its going to be a long long road ahead to get it finished.

@Richard, I still don't know how you built yours so quickly! ;)


That is great Bob and Richard, great projects!;)


Sweet dude , incredibly jeleous , great job!


Thanks everyone. Make Magazine contacted me about a month ago for information and they wanted me to send my InMoov down to them for photos - not likely! They also contacted Richard and others. They never did commit to who's robot would be in the issue - we had to wait and see. It's amazing how everyone's InMoov looks different while being printed from them same files. I think it's what people do with the eyes that gives each one it's own "personality".


Richard R, bhouston Great work guys, glad to read that your efforts were recognized. As all great robot builders should be.


Congratulations guys. It's cool to see you guys getting recognition for your hard work. I am happy for you both.


@David (and everyone else) thanks... Bob started this whole train rolling with his inMoov.... I think Bob and I happen to be in the right place at the right time for this article... However, I mentioned before that although many people are building inMoovs (arduino style) few are really doing much with them. It's almost like the build itself is the be all to end all of the project. I want to believe that Bob and I got noticed because our inMoovs were doing interesting things... I have seen lots of videos of inMoov but it wasn't until I seen @Bob's inMoov video that I actually saw an inmoov do something other than just move it's joints... Bob inspired me to build one and it seems he has inspired a few more here to do the same...