Robot Guard




Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


Has turned out like this. Still have to make the base for charging, set the GSM alarm. Front 7 "display and lights.

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Very nice. Did you scratch build the platform and treads or are they from another product?



That thing is a beast, must weigh a ton. Love the treads!


In the last picture, I can see the crack in the wall where he ran into it.

Just kidding! --- You have a very good design. It reminds me of hazbot's. It looks very sturdy which is something I like in a robot.

Keep up the good work.



This is one BADA@@ Robot! I would love some more info on the wicked drive section. Drawings or plans would be great!


Hi all. thetechguru - platform is made from scratch, a bike chain, aluminum strips, wheels of carts, corners and shock absorber - furniture, frame - plywood in aluminum sheet, springs from the auto carburetor. else - bolts, nuts, sleeves size.

giga -Weight of this beast - 15 kg.

MovieMaker - Solid body frame but not much, Plexiglas. to demonstrate the viscera.

bret.tallent - Send later, chassis and body only drawing in Visio but on a scale of electronics in place.


Great robot ! Congratz !


Nice , make sure you put something slippery like delrin or other plastic so that monster does not pull up all your carpet or marr your floors.


Are those 12v or 24 motors


Motors from 12 volt cordless drill, a Sabertooth Dual 25A Motor Driver. Track will cover rubber.


Is the saber tooth hook to the ez board?


I would not want to see that beast coming at me on a dark night.



What are you using for the head? That is really cool.


The head looks like its a set of portable speakers , I see them all the time . That is a neat way to insure sound comed directly from his face;) - Josh S


I really really like this robot! This really needs to be featured soon


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alarm system includes a computer and downloaded remotely access TeamViewer. Two-way interactive communication, the inclusion of SMS. Can remotely childcare. Do not know how to control arm.

United Kingdom

Really cool something you can play with at the Dacha (maybe)


Hi all,

If i understand your schema, your Robot is alimented by 2 sources :

  • by 220 V
  • or battery

Can it to return alone for charge 220 V ? Is it autonomous ? How have you do ?

I'm beginner, and I would like to understand secrets of robotic ;)





I like your chassis ! Where did you fins the wheels ? How is the speed of robot with your motor ?


hi, wheels from carts diameter 50, and 72. speed about 8 km/h, I lowered. it is strongly shaken when braking. It is already finished, I will upload a picture and video soon.



like how you used drill motors. I plan on doing that drill motor sabertooth mix in the future.