Other robots from Synthiam community

Rb550f's Meet Go 2
This is my newest project robot GO 2...It has a built in Windows 10 tablet and EZB V4 controller...Stands at 30 inches...

Redzone's Inmoov With A Slight Modification
This Inmoov is a big project for an armature like me. I have lots to finalize and complete. I will be starting to add...

Wolfie's Scraps
i got bored it took alot of time to piece it all together still lots planned for it that i need...
you have almost an army of metal robots.
Nomad, You might be right my friend - lol
This last one was challenging, to get it to walk was a feat to overcome.. Auto-Position stuff... Distances were a litter different in the the 4 legs, had to compensate...
Thanks Jeremie for the email
Your community post was liked by 'Jeremie'.
Your hack last night was "right on"
That actually walks with only 4 servos. Pretty cool!
That is very cool. You don't almost have an army, you have a platoon of bots:)
You also may be right, lol, I trying
EzAng, That is amazing how it walks with 4 servos. I agree with merne, you have an amazing amount of robots. You are always busy with new creations. Steve S
some idea i have .if you look at your walking gait you see each paw moves about 10 cm forwart . what would be the result if you move the paw only ,excample 3 cm and little faster ?
Nomad, I can try that when I get back
Just got back, 9/12/2021
combining my two robots, the Borg robot and the crane robot, should finish today.
many pieces from servo City, servo block etc... 4 servos for: vertical, horizontal movements and two arms movement micro servo for moving mouth wire insulator pock plasma Ezb4 controller with battery wire extenders ARC software for programming and running the new robot This will be a demonstration of voice commands and the robot responding with verbal responses.
might change the arms
A video will follow later