Synthiam - My Robi 2.0


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today Im finishing my Robi 2.0 Project. EZ-B 4.0, 21 servos, 22ft cables, 6 sensors, led-boards, camera, stereo speaker, 17,8 inches tall, 5,0 pounds, 6 months of programming.

In the future I'm going to change the stickers to ez robot logos:D

thanks DJ <3

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Hand/ Addon

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could you give link for were to buy thanks


Where did you get that very nice head? We would like more details of Robi 2.0


awesome looking robi.


robi is only on sale ,few issues on ebay els complete 70 issues


Whoa! Robi on steroids! Robi Schwarzenegger. I'm amazed you got the EZB4 inside it like that. And a battery. Great job.

Where do you get that hand shown in the separate picture? I take it you got the head by buying just that particular kit from the Robi series? Good idea if so.


Great looking robot. Did you download the head from Thingaverse ? I saw one there.
Love to see a video.


smarty, that is a great robot!


thanks @ all !

haha "Robi on steroids! Robi Schwarzenegger" - you made my day @WBS00001:D I get the hand parts from a friend in japan. they are not ready to use. its a kit. @bborastero @OldBotBuilder @nomad TMBS only @Rod five parts of the head are from the magazine Robi, all head-technics/ electronics are self made. the body is from two different japan robots (but changed/ upgraded) a 2200mAh Lipo is inside, the hip and neck are self made.

@DJ Sures thanks to your hard- and software. 2015 my child-dream comes true:P

@Rod next week I show a video


a new video (german language) hes talking and walking

new pix

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What a cute little guy. Smooth movements and the voice recognition looks like it is working great. I have no idea what was being said but I was locked to the screen the whole time. I couldn't stop watching. Nice work so far.


haha, someday I make subtitles ^^! thank you dave

I taught him 4000 german words.. and made 900 different audio records.. lots of work.. but now we can talk the whole day:D


very cool robi.stunning job.


He looks great! Now I see what you've been working on - and I'm overly impressed. Man good work.

I'm also a fan of the music:) it sounds like Einstürzende Neubauten


@Nomad thank you :-)) @DJ Sures there is nothing more amazing than americans "edit canadians" who speaking german:D thanks a lot


Ohw! eek

Sorry DJ! :P


Really cool! This is exactly what I wanted to do with my JD robot -- teach him how to speak German!:D

Great job, Smarty!


I studied German in college, so I understood the "eins, zwei, drei ..." part, but that's about all. Wonderful robot Smarty. Beautiful design!



do you have the side parts off robi's head?


@Smarty Bitte ... When you say you taught him 4000 words, what does that really mean? That you entered 4000 words into the Speech Recognition control? Or hundreds of phrases which have a total of 4000 words in them?



I mean: hundreds of phrases which have a total of 4000 words :P

the whole year round I feed him with new words.. not easy.. because for the voice recognition a lot words sounds identical. learning by doing


haha, danke :-) es dauerte sehr lange, knapp ein Jahr, die passenden Einstellungen und Wörter zu finden - damit er alles richtig versteht.


thank you:D

@Nomad 6R

yes, the Robi 2.0 head side-parts are missing! because without he looks nicer :-) my idea was: to make rubber hoses as hair on the sides like a "Predator"


ah he's gonna be a mean robot then.Aaarch


It was a lot of fun to watch and very impressive. Thanks for sharing. The time and effort you spent shows ! Ron


Very cool robot. He is amazing!


robi has a big brother now.cookid 1s

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@Nomad 6R

cookid 1s is not the big brother.. hes is the little cheap pvc child I think :D my 2.0 cost 3500,00 EUR. Cookid 400-500 EUR and it looks like a child toy :-P



thank you :-)


Hi Smarty, your humanoid robots are really something, just amazing.


Smarty what sized servo's are on his legs?

They look much bigger than other's i've seen.

EDIT-I know what your robot is now, its a Kondo humanoid with a Robi head. : )


@NEWAGETOMY This robot was made from three different kondo robots, robi/ some ez-robot parts and other electronic stuff.

I have another version made with two different kondo robots, Ez-Robot and Robi Parts + some self made stuff :


@Smarty- Wow that robot is worth its weight in gold...literally.


Wow, nice. A long time ago I've bought from you times an RS Media. You have developed very strongly.

My question is, what program did you use for voice recognition? Did you use everything about the ARC?

Your Robot is great.


Man that dance scene is amazing! Also the walk cycles are stunningly perfect...

Great work:D


I think that was footage was Dr.Guero's robot edited into his?



I sell and produce robots and the Dr. write Software and produce moddings only for his blog. the robots are the same. The german story in my video is: All people think its easy to make a walking robot.. but it takes a lot of time and its hard work. you can do what ever you want If the robot is build in high quality.

@ all thanks again :-))

here another EZ-Robot (smaller and medium quality) Xero Robot with EZ Robot Controller, Sensors, LEDs and a new Backpack:

cheers Marty


thats a jo zero robot.



it called Xero not Zero :-)


ah thanks for corecting.he has a voice too.awesome.


Supercool! Impressive work!

Btw which city are you located in Germany...I am from Bremen!:)



Ich komme aus Oldenburg, lebe nun Nähe Vechta :-)


@@NEWAGETOMY I sell and produce robots and the Dr. write Software and produce moddings only for his blog. the robots are the same. The german story in my video is: All people think its easy to make a walking robot.. but it takes a lot of time and its hard work. you can do what ever you want If the robot is build in high quality.

@Smarty- Hi Smarty, sorry i think you misunderstood what i was implying.;)

I think your robot looks fantastic.:)

I know you sell robots, ive seen your ebay store.

Where did i ever mention it was easy to make a robot walk? confused

That has me confused, other than that i wish i could speak German so i could understand your robots.

Will you be adding subtitles to any of your future videos by any chance?



any chance i get the link of your ebay store.



I mean in this Video:

"the story is": all people think its easy to make a walking robot.. etc. this text was an video translation - nothing against you :-)

and yes! I wanna make a translation text in my next upload videos.


you find a link on my youtube page and under the most videos. you´re welcome.:D


@Smarty , great work....maybe someday I can catch a train and come to see your robots! Awesome to have such a great robot builder just around the corner!:D



Ah i see! :P

It was a lost in translation moment he he.

Translation text would be great, but i know it takes a while to edit all that in.;)



found it thanks


Amazing robot Smarty! I've had a kondo KHR-3hv for years and always had a struggle with it. I really wish I know how to read Japanese:) I have so many questions about your build, do you still use the kondo controller or do you run the servos straight from ezrobot controller?



whats the Kondo like and why have you struggled with it?

Smarty's robot is of course run by an ez-robot controller-EZB4.;)


Hi Newagetomy

The kondo stuff is awesome, strong servos and can do some cool stuff, but most of the support is in japanese, still cant find any English information about the linix backpack Dr guerro used (guy who made his dance with dolls and ride bikes ect..) I got the robot working with the standard movements and poses, and the battle modes too with remote. Gyro stabilisation isn't as good as I would like though (will be better to add my own higher resolution one).

I think ill have to make a ezb4 controller purchase:) I've seen the plugin for the kondo motors but I'm not sure how many feature I can actually use with the ez controller. if I can control speed, write positions and read positions (and maybe possibly current) off the servos it would be awesome:) Teaching it to walk from scratch will be fun hehe


@cpsergi Can you share any info on how dr guerro made the robot dance. I noticed that @smarty also mentioned dr guerro

Regards, Frank


Looking at how well Smarty's robot walks, I would say EZ Robot can control the servos very well.


Awesome cant wait to play with it:) I wish I knew how he did it, all I know is he uses the kondo linix backpack, haven't even seen any info in English for this, I know you can move the robot and record the position so wouldn't be too hard to learn some dance moves:) The gyros keeping it balanced I guess might be a bit harder. Looking how smooth smarty's robot moves shouldnt be too hard with ez robot controller.

Here is some dr guero clips off you tube: He gets it to lift heavy loads, ride bikes, walk tightropes, walk on stilts, and dance with dolls. Shows how good the kondo servos are:)


You joined here almost 8 months ago, get an ezb4 in there already, what are you waiting for?

confused confused


Didn't know it was possible to run kondo servos 8 months ago, only really started looking at it as a viable option recently:) Just waiting for pay day hehe Not too long now


Best we stop hi-jacking this thread, but yeah digital servos are pretty much all the same as far as i know amigo, the ezb4 can run anything..


You nailed it, very impressive. Much hard work.

Unknown Country

Hi, Can anyone help me find Robi English VR Board and Micro SD Card?? I have an older model Robi but I need him to speak English and can’t seem to find anywhere to buy the English VR board and SD card. Plz help!!

Unknown Country

I have watched this video but the link she put up where she purchased the VR board and SD card is no longer accurate.t least I am assuming its not as it doesn't bing up the VR board or SD card when using the link. seems like its impossible to find. You'd think there'd be somewhere to find a Robi that speaks English Somewhere. but all I have found on eBay is Robi in Japanese only or that's what all the sellers so far has said. Thanks for taking the time and trying to help @Nomad 6R its much appreciated.



i have a look some futher . i know there was an american  site who sells the robi englisch version . was a long time ago . i see .



got answer from deagostini . as stated its discontinued .

Anila (Support)

Nov 21, 2024, 12:24 GMT+1

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for contacting DeAgostini Collectibles.

We would like to inform you that the collection you are referring to is no longer available and we do not know if or when it may be released. We would suggest that you sign up for our newsletters for upcoming news.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Kind regards,

DeAgostini Collectibles

Anila Customer Service Representative


Nov 20, 2024, 20:26 GMT+1

hi is the vr board+sd card englich version stil to by for the robi robot ? thank you

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Unknown Country

@Nomad 6R  Again I appreciate the trouble you went through to find out for me. Guess ill be on the look out for a different type of Robot now. Thanks again and Happy holiday season!  Sincerely, Misty:)