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Will My Order Be Done

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Placed order, 3 days still awaitng, 2 more days I put in cancal so what is going on? Don't what my money?.


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calm down, your order will arrive. no need to get harsh for no reason.:D

i've been waiting about 2 days for my order to reach shipping, but that doesn't mean it's not coming. Put some trust into EZ-Robot! Some of us waited almost a year for the first batch of EZ-B's, a couple days is no wait.


Orders ship from their China manufacture. The Canada office you have a picture of above is their main offices where they run the company from is located. Also this is where all the R&D is done. Once the shipment leaves China it takes about a week to reach the USA and be delivered to your address.

Did you try contacting them through the "Contact Us" link to see if they got your order?


We get every order:) Please do not use our Contact Us resources on verifying your order - with the hundreds of orders we have from the black Friday sale, our logistics is busy shipping. Thanks for the photos of our office!:D


@roller...3 days? I guess you have no idea of what has been happening with ez robot over the last year or so.... I won't even tell you how long most of us had to wait to get our first orders.... Count yourself lucky and try and sit tight, they will get to you asasp....

United Kingdom

It flags up a question I was wondering, what's the last order date for a guaranteed Christmas delivery? Or has the date gone (due to the large amount of black friday orders)?


Hi @roller, I've been a long time customer of EZ-Robot, but never has shipping been "fast" in comparison to a US based retailer. As others have said, shipments come straight from manufactures in China. I order parts from China retailers over ebay and from them I get packages in around 30 days.

I will tell you this, I placed an order on Nov. 11, 2014 and received my package from China on Dec 8th. All long the way I got email updates letting me know my order was received, then under review, then under processing. I even modified my order during that time. Given all that, for a delivery to my door in under 30 days I was pretty excited!

I'd look for those updates and when you order you should probably ball park estimate 30 days delivery time.

I placed an order on CyberMonday as well and I would be surprised if I get it in 30 days simply because I'm sure lots of folks put in orders. I don't mind waiting longer.

But if you need to cancel or modify your order, be sure to reach EZ-Robot through their Contact Us page. I've always experienced them being super helpful!


I think I shot milk across the room when I saw the 3 day wait lol. He definitely was not around for the R and D of V4 and the pre-order surge. I am happy to say my order placed after the V4 shipments were caught up, and not during a peak sale , came very quickly. I believe about 5 or 6 business days if I remember right. Considering it was direct from the China manufacturer I was surprised with the shipping speed.

Any large order surge like the black Friday promo will generate hundreds of orders. It takes extra time to ship out. Be patient , you will get it. There are Chinese workers manufacturing your order as we speak. However there is no camera at the manufacturer ( though that would be really cool , hint hint) , so don't mistake the employees not being in a office meeting for no activity. They all have laptops and can respond to emails and other work from outside the office.


Hey @JustinRatliff

Cyber Monday order's should all be shipped by the end of this week:) We are doing our best, to make sure you guys have plenty of time to wrap them for Christmas. That is if you can resist playing with them!:P


I placed an order on 11/28/14 and the order is already at step 3. Step 4 is shipped and is the only step left.


Well I placed an on 11/30 , I've tried Contact us, and Calling Multiple times! left voice mails! with no response..confused I just want to change my order before it ships to a Dev Kit, I guess they don't want my money.. No response to order modifications mean this maybe my last time placing an order.. Maybe a great product but the Sales management is very weak!.. mad


You know, they might be very busy with the black Friday sales and the fact that Christmas is fast approaching... You'll just have to keep trying...


I've had literally no problems with support when I cancelled my JD head. you guys must just have some bad joojoo:D

but seriously give it a little wait, they'll eventually get to you. I can understand the slowness, especially if people like OP are sending a bunch of emails asking why they don't have their robots in a hour.:P


Cbeck your spam/junk folder, especially if you use gmail. Before I white listed them a bunch of their emails wound up there. You will get an automated reply from the Contact Us page within a few minutes of submitting a request. If you didn't then either they are in your spam folder or you gave an incorrect email address for them to reply to.



Sudo, Thetechguru, I've done all those things, checked spam etc, that why I decided to call, but only could leave voice mails.. As a customer with an paid order that wants to change the order before it ships and I'm getting not response, that's sad! I'm not even sure if it shipped, no explanation as to what 3 of 4 steps means.. lol.. I would expect at a minimum a Email or a Call back; taking 30 days to get the product isn't my issue.. its the response to sales questions or changes, etc.. eyeroll

United Kingdom

If it's at step 3 it hasn't been shipped it's being prepared.

As others have said, check your spam folder. If it's been a while since you sent the first email via the Contact Us page send another (as Alan said, you should have got an auto response, did you?).

Customer Service has always got back to me pretty quickly in the past. It is bound to be a busy time for them so you may need to wait a little while longer than normal though.


Nothing is in spam, the only email's I've gotten is after I ordered, and when it went from step 1 to step 2.. nothing since.. (besides Achievements for posting..) I had to login to the website to see that it was step 3 of 4.. maybe they just don't like me.. lol.. mad


I appreciate all the comments gang, but I've had better response ordering parts from Korea, Japan, and France, where I had serious communication issues.. but at-least I got responses.. But I'm going keep being patient I see what happens on Monday.. maybe they took a long weekend.. or it was a Holiday.. ;)

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United Kingdom

You will have received automatic emails for every step of the order and for using the Contact Us page. Since you are missing at least one email there may be a possibility that you have missed a response from them. Perhaps sending them another email may help?


Hi @Morbeious

I have contacted you through customer support, please check your email.


Lol, I guess their watching the forms.. I just got a response 2 mins after I posted my last response here from the Contact Us based on my 1st email I sent. eyeroll

United Kingdom

Yes, they do visit the forums from time to time. Glad to see you got a reply.


Of course we watch the forums. We are community members just like you! Robots are our passion and we love seeing what you guys do!


Yeap, all is good.. should have a really interesting bot to show off after the Holidays..


I have to say that I have the same experience as others here. Been on step 3 for two weeks now and no real explanation of what that means,

You guys could avoid a lot of work and neagative press if you spent some investment on the customer side of the business. Keep in mind that for the twenty negative responses here, there are lots of others that can't be bothered to complain but just tell people of their bad experience.

I check Spam, I tried Contact Us but there is no specific page for Order Processing!

Might be a good place to spent 5 minutes creating a web page explaining the process and the expected timeframes.

I left messages and nobody called me back. Why bother with a phone line if you don't respond? That just pisses people off.

I purchased a robot on November 28th expecting a christmas delivery. It would be nice to know that that isn't possible.


Hi @westlam,

I'm sorry that you feel like you're out of the loop! We reply to every message we get - but most of us don't work on the weekend so your response during that time will be slower.

We try to get back to everyone within 48 hours, so if it's been that long and you haven't gotten a response, please try again to make sure it hasn't gotten lost in the tubes somewhere. But otherwise, please don't phone or email us multiple times. That will slow us down in getting back to you, because we really do listen to every voicemail and respond to every email.

Don't worry, we do expect orders made recently to arrive before Christmas! We just shipped out a few huge batches of orders and are about to send out some more! :) If your order hasn't shipped yet, don't worry - there's still time for it to ship before Christmas. We use DHL as our primary shippers, and the shipping times we've seen have been impressively speedy - in most cases, no more than 3-4 days to arrive, worldwide.

If it does seem like it's taking too long, of course do Contact Us to make sure there are no problems, but otherwise, we're all good to go for the holidays!:)


Just a note to add. There are apparently still some logistics issue between the manufacturer communicating to EZ-Robot when something is shipped. I have two packages waiting for me at home from two separate orders. (one was supposed to be delivered Friday, but that is a different story). My order page only shows one of them as shipped, but I got notified by DHL of the other one last week.



I'll second @Alan experience. My last order it showed as "processing" in step 3, then I got I my package from DHL, then two days later it went to step 4 shipped.

I think it would have been handy to see the status as follows:

  1. received
  2. under review
  3. processing (we're making it and packaging it)
  4. it shipped (it left the manufacture)
  5. completed (you signed for, it must have arrived)

I think EZ-Robot as a team has improved a lot in the shipping and communication area. I'm happy! :)


FYI So my order says shipped which is great, and its been updated with a shipping tracking number from DHL.. once you go do DHL is shows package status but no date when i may arrive. I will let you know what happens next.. I received emails also..



are you gunna make your bioloid a EZ-robot? I'd like to see what you're going to do, it looks like you have quite the robot collection:D


Once DHL has the package, probably 3 to 4 days to delivery, not counting the weekend. (that has been my experience in the DC area)



Cool, I'm so excited, been wanting a EZ-bot brain for a while now..this weekend will be a blast.. ;)


@Morbeious- so glad to hear you are excited! Make sure to post lots of pictures of your projects. We love seeing them. :D




It looks like my order is stateside and out for Delivery today.. cleared customs in a blink of an eye.. WoW.. should see my Dev Kit in the next few hours.. So Shipped from China on the 15th, I arriving in Michigan on 17th..

Thats not bad, not bad at all.. they just need to work on speeding up steps 1 - 3, but I'm sure that will happen overtime..

United Kingdom

Steps 1-3 are usually quicker and usually happen within a day or two at the most.

During busy times, like the BF/CM sale time, these steps take longer.

Having ordered during quiet and peek times I can confirm there was a definite delay on Steps 1, 2 and 3 during the last few weeks. Previously it's been a matter of 5 to 7 days from placing the order to having it in my hands.


I figure as much, but this was my 1st order.. I'm sure I will see hat quick 5-7 days in Jan when I place my second order for a "ROLI" just gotta have one of those for my robot Army..;)


:):):):):):):) It may not be a white Christmas here in Ireland this year,but it will be a Bright one

EZ-Robot package shipped from China on Tuesday 16th dec due for delivery by UPS in the next few hours Thursday 18th.

How is that for service. If you can't wait for your Ez-robot , re-locate to the South of Ireland !

Thank you, thank You Ez-Robot

United Kingdom

Late Monday tracking started on mine, it's with the delivery courier today (however will not be delivered since I'm not home so add 2 days before I pick it up from the DHL service point).

So far, no signs of any import duty or tax either which is awesome (more so because it was all store credit from assistance given too so Rich gets free stuff:D). I'll wrap it up and consider it a Christmas gift from all who I have helped this year, thank you:)


Rich Ok so its a Christmas Gift I dare you to leave it un opened until Christmas morning ,bet you can't Pat


@Rich, yeah if you can leave it unopened till the 25th, that will be great self control.. lol.. I had a box opener in one hand while I signed for my package with the other..;)


@Morbeious... LOL... You didn't get any drool on the box did you?:P

United Kingdom

It may still be with DHL come the 25th. Attempted delivery today however since I have a secure back garden and wasn't home the delivery dude decided to take it back to their depot which will take me about an hour to get to so not even sure when I'm likely to be picking it up.

CCTV for the win:)


Interesting colour scheme in your back garden Rich! Your postie seems to have all the time in the world, doesn't he know Xmas is coming?! I have also missed several parcels this week from ebay purchases, meaning long drives to depots that all seem to be in distant, obscure locations.

Ez-Robot changed my order status to shipped on Tuesday but did not provide a tracking number or estimated delivery time, so who knows when I'll get my "Black Friday" order?


@Tony1952 I got my tracking number the day after it said shipped.. @Richard R lol, you're correct, i didn't have time for drool to build up.. blush


@Rich wow, The DHL guy didn't even try to open the gate? He just peeked over and said i'm otta here to much trouble, whats up with that? confused


Hey @Tony1952,

I was curious so I checked and your order does have its tracking number! It must not have come up in the email. Go to the orders page to see it;)


DHL tried to deliver my order today at 8:02 in the morning. I was in the backyard with the dogs and did not hear the knocking on the door. Needless to say, missed the delivery and don't know when they may be back. No contact name or number left.


Thanks @chrissi, it was not included in the email, but I know where to look now!;)

It's interesting following the tracking. I did not realize how close Dongguan and Shenzhen were to Hong Kong. Looks like the Customs people at Shenzhen don't have any Xmas Spirit:(

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Green Eggs and Ham for those in Shenzhen! eek


I am excited and happy to receive my blackfriday order today, which included mini claws for my grandson, camera, J.D., and continuous rotation servos. It appears I received standard servos, bag ID E401 20810612, with servo horn installed they appear to move only 180. I like the appearance on all the plastic pcs. and J.D. looks great! Will have to wait to play because we are busy doing a bathroom in my daughters family basement for Christmas. Steve S


Well I did not think it would happen, but my Black Friday order of 2 December arrived today!
It was held up for a full week undergoing customs clearance back and forth between Shenzen and Hong Kong. My tracking page covers two screens. It finally left Hong Kong yesterday and was delivered to my door today! Not a bad effort from DHL and what a pleasant surprise! The parcel was opened and resealed many times using Customs tape. Maybe they thought they were onto something? Who knows? Only doing their job I suppose.

Due to the 20% discount during the Black Friday sale I was able to purchase many bits including the already well priced Scorpion Bundle, JD body and feet. So this afternoon I've already put together a JD with the other bits I already had. So, for me the impossible has happened 4 days earlier than expected!

Thank you Ez-Robot team!


Have fun Tony! Please share what you do with this kit. You come up with some cool stuff.


Thanks @Dave Schulpius, I hope to have lots of fun with JD. I'm currently having a issue with one of the servos but I have a spare one. As this is my first full "Revolution" robot I'll try to do all the lessons and learn as much as I can before experimenting;) Christmas festivities, visitations & holidays start in my household tomorrow night so I won't be doing much till January, family comes first! Fortunately I'll be able to impress some visitors with a demo of of JD's skills:)

I wish you and all the Ez-Robot community a very Happy Christmas and New Year!


Now that your talking about getting your stuff (I did too:D), I wonder what happened to OP's order? Did they really not what his money, or did he put in the cancal?;)


My Black Friday order arrived in the USA on 12/18 but took through today after selecting the "No Signature" option for DHL delivery to actually leave it on my screened in porch. For some reason even though I'm retired and run a website business at home, I didn't see or hear the DHL truck attempt delivery two different times on 12/19.