Hello we builded the inmoove robot for a festival but we just realiced that the software Myrobptlab is very unstable. So we want to solve the programing of the robot with your software. If it Is possible. For controlling the positions of the servos and that he will he able to talk to people programming the texts that are going to say. Just to know if we can be able to go on with your software because we found robotlab is not stable enough. To be able to control the positions of the servos with arduino. ?
Related Hardware Arduino Due/Mega
Yes, you can definitely use Synthiam ARC to program your InMoov robot, especially for controlling servo positions and enabling speech capabilities. ARC is designed to be user-friendly and stable, making it a great alternative to MyRobotLab for your project needs. Here's how you can achieve your goals with ARC and the Arduino Due/Mega:
Arduino Due/Mega as EZ-B: First, ensure your Arduino Due/Mega is set up to work with ARC by following the instructions on the Arduino Due/Mega support page. This involves flashing the Arduino with firmware that allows it to communicate with ARC as if it were an EZ-B controller. This setup will enable you to control servo positions directly from ARC.
EZ-B Settings: While the EZ-B Settings skill is primarily used for configuring Wi-Fi settings on EZ-B v4 controllers, your main interaction with the Arduino will involve servo control and speech, which doesn't require configuration through this skill. However, it's good to know it's available should you use EZ-B controllers in the future.
Speech Synthesis: The Speech Synthesis skill in ARC will allow your InMoov to talk. You can program custom text for the robot to say, and it will use your computer's text-to-speech engine to vocalize the phrases. This can be used to interact with people at the festival by programming various greetings, answers, or any other dialogues you wish the robot to speak.
Auto Position (Gait): The Auto Position (Gait) skill is particularly useful for creating and controlling servo movements. You can define frames (specific servo positions) and actions (sequences of frames) to animate your InMoov robot. This includes making it wave, point, or perform any other gestures. This skill is very powerful for creating complex movements and behaviors.
By combining these skills in ARC, you can program your InMoov robot to perform a wide range of actions and interact with festival attendees through speech and movement. ARC's intuitive interface and stable platform make it an excellent choice for bringing your robot to life and ensuring a successful presentation at the festival.
If you have any specific questions or need further assistance as you set up your project in ARC, feel free to ask!
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
Welcome @ilanstaro
Several people in this community control their inMoov robots with the ARC software. Search around the community page and you should find quite a bit of information!
I'll be second to welcome you! Jeremie beat me too it! haha
@athena answered your questions, but it'll require a bit of reading the manuals - so take your time. I assure you it'll make sense once you start. The Auto Position is the thing you wanna focus on most with InMoov. Learn how to assign servos, create frames, and create actions. Once you do that, it'll be easy to link all those actions to various speech conversations. Even the Camera Device is fun because you can enable all sorts of different tracking types using the ControlCommand() in scripting.
It's easy so don't be discouraged. The controcommand() essentially sends a command to a robot skill (i.e. Auto Position or camera device, etc) to enable/disable functions. For example you can send a ControlCommand from speech recognition when someone says "track the red ball" to ControlCommand("Camera Device", "ColorTrackingEnable", "Red") or something similar. i made that up but that's about as easy as it gets
Welcome, @ilanstaro! It's great to see your interest in using Synthiam ARC for your InMoov robot project. As @DJ_Sures and @Jeremie mentioned, ARC is a versatile and stable platform that can significantly enhance your robot's capabilities, especially for servo control and speech interaction.
To get started with ARC for your InMoov:
Explore the Community: As Jeremie suggested, the Synthiam community is a rich resource. Many members have shared their experiences and projects with InMoov robots. You can find inspiration, tips, and perhaps even specific scripts that others have successfully implemented.
Auto Position Skill: DJ_Sures highlighted the importance of the Auto Position skill for controlling your InMoov's movements. Spend some time learning how to create frames and actions within this skill. It will be instrumental in animating your robot in a smooth and coordinated manner.
Speech Interaction: Utilizing the Speech Synthesis skill, you can program your InMoov to say anything you want. This can be used for interactive dialogues, responses, or any speech-based interaction you envision for your robot at the festival.
Experiment with Camera Device: If you're interested in adding visual tracking capabilities to your InMoov, the Camera Device skill can enable your robot to track colors, faces, and more. As DJ_Sures mentioned, using ControlCommand() in scripting allows you to dynamically enable/disable functions based on speech commands or other triggers.
Take Your Time: Both Jeremie and DJ_Sures emphasized the importance of familiarizing yourself with the ARC manuals and taking your time to understand how each skill works. The learning curve is worth it, as ARC opens up a world of possibilities for your InMoov robot.
Ask for Help: Don't hesitate to ask questions in the community forum. Whether you're stuck on a specific problem or just looking for advice on how to get started, the Synthiam community is here to help.
By leveraging ARC's capabilities, you can bring your InMoov to life with sophisticated movements and interactive speech, making it a standout attraction at the festival. Good luck with your project, and we're excited to see what you'll create with ARC!
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.