ARC Software Feature Requests

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Sythiam Swag
22oz Vacuum Insulated Bottle

22oz Vacuum Insulated Bottle

Keep liquid away from my robots! Vacuum insulation is a big deal if you care about beverage temperature change during...
DHT11 Temp & Humidity Sensor by Proteusy
By Proteusy

DHT11 Temp & Humidity Sensor

The DHT11 is a basic, ultra low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to...

Astromech Droid by robot56
By robot56

Astromech Droid

Hello everyone so i have begun building my full size astromech droid! I know that this project is going to take a long time but I feel it...

feature request
YLIDAR X2 Lidar Plugin

YLIDAR X2 Lidar Plugin

I just received my YLIDAR X2 lidar and it works very good with the pointcloud app that it has. I tried to use the Hitachi LDS plugin in ARC, I select 115200 as baud rate and as...
feature request
Servo Velocity & Acceleration

Servo Velocity Acceleration

I’d like to incorporate the velocity and acceleration into ARC natively for all servos that support it. Such as feetech and dynamixel. I’m exploring a few options...
feature request

Reorder Scripts In Script Collection Skill

Is it possible to add the ability to move scripts around in the Script Collection Skill? It would be nice to be able to group scripts according to personal needs or preferences. I thought this was once possible back when it caw called Script Manager.
feature request
Right Click, Move To Virtual Desktop Question

Right Click, Move To Virtual Desktop Question

Are there plans for Arc be updated for skills right click move to ,to reflect which renamed virtual desktop you want to move it to...
feature request

Ability To Comment Out Multiple Lines Of A Script All At Once With Context Menu

I am often frustrated by the fact that I need to type #xxx for each line of code that I want to comment out. If I could select multiple lines with the right mouse button and then select comment or uncomment from a context menu with the mouse button, it would make my life a lot easier.  Thanks for making a GREAT product!  --Thomas
feature request

Robot Skill That Imports Excel Data To Move Servos

DJ,    Any chance of taking the auto position names and convert that into a spreadsheet format. This way you can see how much difference there will be from one position to another. You can have a cell in the spreadsheet calculate how much time it will take to go from one position to another and then you manipulate time and the speed if wanted. The...
feature request

Voice Print Skill That Would Identify Users By Voice.

Would like a skill that could do a voice print and identify someone by their voice alone. Example: a user says, robot, its me and the robot analyzes the speech and identifies the person. It will help my robot by deciding who it should listen to and knowing who I am when I am talking. This would be a great feature.
feature request

Can We Get A Delete Function For The Forum?

More of a website request than an ARC request. Can we get a delete option for our posts? On a couple of occasions I have posted in the wrong thread by accident and while I can go in and edit the original post there is still a minimum word count that must remain so I can not delete my erroneous post. It would be noce to have a delete post button...
feature request
Can This Window Be Scalable Or Reduced In Size?

Can This Window Be Scalable Or Reduced In Size?

OK, we all have this in our projects but how many projects use 4 EZBs or controllers. The window is there in every project and...
feature request

Request The Option To Reject ARC Updates

Please stop forcing me to update ARC. Updating on your schedule upsets everything I am doing. I give robotics lectures, sometimes several times a month. Before a lecture, I have no time to download and update and God forbid, fix my ARC code that breaks because of your updates. Yes, it has happened to me before.  You and your team give lectures and...
feature request
More Windows  For Servo's

More Windows For Servos

is it possible to get more windows to  asign servo to it ? similar like in the picture but then for using keys from you keyboard .
feature request

RTMP Camera Stream

It would be pretty awesome to have RTMP camera stream available. There are more and more VR / stereoscopic cameras available on the market that incorporate RTMP servers, which would enable truly powerful telepresence robots.