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  • 2012-01-03 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-01-04 - created first new question
  • 2012-01-28 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-09-09 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-09-10 - shared your first photo in the forum

Latest submissions

Blockly Control Command Combobox Menu Display Issue

Blockly Control Command Combobox Menu Display Issue

Hi DJ Ive downloaded beta Version 2020.04.15.00 on 2 computers and both are having a problem with the Blockly Control...
ARC Glyph Tracking

ARC Glyph Tracking

Hello, I was wondering if anyone is having issues with glyph tracking? I just downloaded the ARC software going from ARC. The 1st thing I noticed was all my blockly code in the buttons...

Is Blockly Coming To Script Manager?

Just thought I would put out a open question about this. I cant seem to find a way to use Blockly in the script manager control. 1st off I would like to give my appreciation out to DJ and anyone else developing this software. I recently got back into this after the SIX I purchased when it 1st came out has sat dormant for so long. This past...
Starting Out With Ezrobot Six And Basic Movements

Starting Out With Ezrobot Six And Basic Movements

So I built the robot and verified it is working, but I would like to know if there is a template out there for movement...
Camera Device Hide Settings Bug

Camera Device Hide Settings Bug

Hi When you select hide setting on a camera device control in EZ builder then uncheck it to bring them back they dont show correctly anymore. Here is a screen...
New Project Begins....With Slight Let Down

New Project Begins....With Slight Let Down

Hi all, So Ive got a few servos left over after StirStick, so I started building my new project and phase one was this mini arm. I got...
Ezb_Connect  C# Component

Ezb_Connect C# Component

Hi All, I have a rusty programmer question for anyone willing to answer (its been about 8 years since I did anything serious with C#). I can follow most of the stuff DJ has...

Turn You Android Camera Into A Wireless Ip Camera For Your Robot

Hi All, Just found this, there were a few apps in the android market place but this seems to be only one I got working in EZ builder. I just downloaded the app, connected the to the phone with IE, installed the...

Dual Axis Magnetic Sensor

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone is using DJs recommended compass sensor? I think this is the link for it DJ, do you have a video on how to install this to the EZ-B (there are a lot of pins on this little sensor)

Questions About Movement Script And Ping Sensor

Hi All, Ive now played with all the equipment that came in the robot build kit and having a great time of it. I made a little proof of concept bot on the super cheap. I used a free paint stir stick from hardware store as his chassis, so Ive named the little guy stirstick 1:) I have some questions about the ping sensor and the movement scripts. 1....

Http Server

Hi All, Im having a problem with the HTTP server control. When I click on start I get the error The specified TCP port for this web service is in use by another application I found that it was due to SKYPE running on my laptop. Im assuming that it is the port 80 that is the conflict. Does anyone use a different port and how do you use that in the...
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