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Rural Geek

Country: Canada
Member Since:


  • 2012-11-12 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-11-12 - created first new question
  • 2013-01-01 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-05-07 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2017-02-12 - connected ARC to the cloud

Latest submissions


Kinect Support On V4

Hey everyone I was just wondering has anyone heard if V4 will support kinect or encoders?

Ez Script And The Camera

Has anyone wrote scripts that used info from the camera? I want to combine the movement and colour tracking into the script so the robot can figure out what it wants to follow. Like randomly choose to follow the black cat when it moves and not the white one when she moves. I am going to try and incorporate the ping sensor not for avoidance but to...

Calling A Script From Another Script And Return To The Next Line

Hey eveyone. I have been off working on my summer projects, but been watching the form. So the winter is coming and its time to move back into the lab to play with my robots. I have to knock the rust off the little I know and reread everyones notes. I have build a little rover bot to run around and chase the cats. I am mostly using it for learning...

Win 7 Or Win 8

Basically I am putting a computer together for my robot. It will be a stationary animation sidekick type of thing. What I am wondering is about which OS should I use 7 or 8? I am coming from XP and I like the look of 7. Is there a big difference of the options like voice recognition and stuff that EZ-B would use that I should pick one over the...

4Xx Roomba Intermittent Control

Hey everyone. I am working on a couple small bots for the rainy days of the summer. I am trying to create a couple of those minions from Despicable Me movie. Very basic I am using roombas for the base.. I just hooked up to my old grey one making sure (with ocd) that I had the pin out correct, to the EZ-b board. It communicates with it...

Can ARC Receive Sensor Feedback From A Roomba

My big robot project is set aside for the summer while Im on my summer hobby of tractors. So for a rainy day small project I have a Roomba 560 Im going to put the EZ-B on, but I was wondering if I can get the EZ-B to see the output of the sensors of the roomba? I want to use them in the logic of ez-script. Ive looked at the tutorial for hooking up...

Wrist Ideas

Hey everyone. I have been in hardware mode right now, but have been creeping the forum.. eek I am building a humanoid type of bot. Its just from the wast up type of thing. with two arms and two different hands. It will have some type of head also. Right now I am working out a BOM for the arms and I have gotten the shoulder and elbow joints figured...

Robot Combat League

I saw the post on here about the Robot Combat League show that is in the U.S. I just wanted to let everyone know in Canada its on Space channel tonight at 10pm eastern, and again at 3am.
Neato Lidar

Neato Lidar

This is just to get the chat about the Neato LIDAR. Ideas on how to interface it use it or what ever about it. Robotmaker has had them and selling them. They run on 5v about 500mA. It communicates...
Servo Amplifier

Servo Amplifier

Hey everyone. I am putting together a BOM for version 2 of my bot. Its going to be humanoid type of thing. Head two arms and mobile base I am using some ideas from here. The arms are going...


@DJ Its the middle of the month any news on it yet? Huh huh huh? I promise I wont tell anyone about it... Just a little tid bit..
Using Acd For Switch Inputs

Using Acd For Switch Inputs

I am putting bumper switches on the back of my bot. I am trying to save on Digital ports so my idea was to use resistors and acd input. Here is a very crude drawing...

Dragons Den Auditions Starting Jan 19

@DJ I just seen on tv last night that they are holding auditions for Dragons den starting in January. I was thinking it might be an idea to take a shot at it. Just my 2 cents.

Could Use Some More Scripting Help. Again

Hey every one. I am trying to write my first script to work on a rolling chassis. I have three pings across the front and a sharp ir sensor under it at the front to keep from going over the edge. I have three Distance detects open one for each ping ( which are parallax) and a sharp ir collision detect open for the ir sensor. Here is my script and...

Can You Use Ands Ors In Ez Script.

Can you use ands and ors when you are wrting a script? I.E. if(d2=0) and if(getping = 30) result i.e. forward() I am trying to write a script but its seems a very long way of doing it if I have to type each if or else statment with the same result after each one. I mean i have a bunch of IFs that will result in the same action like stop(). I am...
Syntax Error In Ez Script. I Am Missing Something

Syntax Error In Ez Script. I Am Missing Something

Hey guys. I am just starting to write a script for my bot and I am trying to get data from a Parallax ping sensor and...

Some Questions About Programing

Ok I have my chassis to my robot sort of up and running. It has 2 hb 25s. Every now and then one drops comm and i cant control it. I think it has to do with the jumper and the comm loss safety that they have. Anyway I have ran it with the movement panel and modified servo panel. I have a ping plugged in also and played with it. I have a couple more...

Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays Everyone.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday this season. Thank you to all that help out with ideas and fixes for the problems that we all post here. I think I speak for ever one when I say thank you DJ for working so hard on your idea and helping the rest of us create cool projects. I cant wait to see what 2013 is going to bring from the Revolution...

Declaring Variables In Ez-Script

When I get my EZ-B and start building my robot Experiment 333 I am going to be using some variables from encoders to calculate distances. What I am wondering is to declare a variable you always need a $ at the start of it correct? Also can you set up a variable to get info directly from an input like an encoder count? Thanks for the help. P.S. @DJ...

Blackberry 10 App?

DJ I have to wait till christmas to play with my EZ-B so my wife says. But I was wondering are you or would you look at something to be able to use a blackberry 10 smart phone to do minor control? I just think it would be a neat idea Another thing dude I know what its like when you get hooked on to a cool project but SLEEP is a good thing

Hi Everyone

I just found this site a couple days ago. This controller and kit look really great, I excited to build with it. This is exactlly what I have been (without much luck till now) looking for to build my robots. Something easy to get up and running and to build on later. The only problem is my wife and family have banned me from buying anything like...
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