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  • 2015-06-29 - created first new question
  • 2015-07-02 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-07-16 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-07-19 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-07-19 - created a custom avatar

Latest submissions

Usb Or Ac-Dc Conversion As Lipo Battery Replacement?

Usb Or Ac-Dc Conversion As Lipo Battery Replacement?

So, here’s the deal. My project will place, say, 25 robo heads in a (college, university, or high school) computer...

Does Each Ez-B V4 Have A Unique Identifier Accessible From ARC?

Im just wondering if, in a lab containing 25 or more EZ-Bs, each controller might have a unique ID in the firmware that can be accessed via ARC. I realize that assigned IPs will distinguish between the controllers for communication purposes. However from a system standpoint, unique IDs might help tighten cloud security when local ARC scripts...
Tips On Humanoid Head Design For 3D Printing?

Tips On Humanoid Head Design For 3D Printing?

Soon, I will need to make a decision about whether the JD head will be the best choice for the user (student) interface for the...

Southpark-Type Animation An Effective Substitute For Moving Mouth?

Im wondering if some sort of mouth animation as seen in characters in, say, South Park, might provide an effective alternative to using servos to manufacture jaw movement. And more servos to manipulate physical mouth movement. So, Ive just started looking around and am finding websites that claim that there are only 9 or 10 mouth (3D) phenome mouth...

Thoughts About Handwriting Recognition?

In my project prototype, I will have a JD head that provides interaction with a student who wants (needs?) to learn some remedial math. My design approach is that the bot interface will serve two purposes: 1. a friendly, engaging interface with the student 2. essentially a data collection device observing student understanding through a. spoken...

Open Call Auditions Bot Heads For Potential Use In Final Product

(Got a bit nervous about propriety and good tase . . . If I could delete, I would. I should just look through the showcase.) Ron

Required Servos For Alan Kit

Will, (So sorry if this info is on another thread - I did search.) Just went to your website to inquire about purchase of one and multiple Alans for my project prototyping and for presentation to investors in a couple of months. I suspect I can reuse my JD head EZ-B, two servos, and camera to partially fill in Alans needs. However Id like to know...

Robocop Is Showing Now On Max Cable

My apologies for so many posts in the last few minutes. But I must say Im getting excited about the potential of using EZ-B technology to develop some really cool projects. Right now we are watching RoboCop on a MAX satellite channel. It used to be that I could just sit back and enjoy the good guys beating the bad jobs in this movie. However, now...
Your Direct Experience With Children Of Any Ages Training Any Of The Ezrobots

Your Direct Experience With Children Of Any Ages Training Any Of The Ezrobots

Part of my business activities not too far down the road will...

Glad Your Server Is Back Up

What happened? Is there something we can learn from this?


The store fronts I am looking at are all very close to a high school, a middle school and an elementary school. Earlier today, the thought occurred to me that it might be both educational and smart business to put on regularly scheduled adaptations of, say, some of Shakespeares works, starring a few JD Robots. For example, how about age appropriate...

Max Number Possible Of Wireless ARC / Ez-B Connections

Suppose I have a room with multiple PCs, each running ARC each attempting to connect to its own EZ-B. Whats the effective max number of PC/EZ-Builder/EZ-B connections. Does this boil down to the max number of frequencies available for the wireless connection, or to the number of IP addresses available, or neither? Also, is wireless connection...

Kismet - Video From The 1990S On An Interactive Bot (See How Far Weve Come)

The link below will take you to a video that was shot in the 1990s in the MIT AI lab. Meet Kismet If you are interested in social behavior of robots, take a look, and then compare with more advanced achievements by some of our community members. Ron

Is It Too Soon In The Ez-Robot History To Talk About Retail Franchises?

DJ, what sort of support opportunities would be available from EZ-Robot for individuals interested in opening a retail outlet exclusively for EZ-Robot products? Ron

Ez-Face Recognition Questions With Multiple Cameras

@JustinRatliff In a previous thread you mentioned that EZ-Face would need to be retrained when a camera is replaced. If my development project goes as planned, I will have several humanoid heads interacting with multiple persons, not necessarily paired up the same way, from day-to-day. So, my plan is, in a few months, to investigate the algorithm...

Evangelist Team Feedback

Say, DJ, as a member of the evangelist team, I would like some (candid) feedback on how I can improve my postings in support of EZ-Robot. I have a thick skin, so if you have a chance to review my evangelistic postings, Id like to know how I can improve to offer better support
History Of Ez-Robot?

History Of Ez-Robot?

As a newcomer, I have found the community, DJ and staff, and the general atmosphere presented by the website to be very, very positive. Id like to know more about the history of...

Best Website Management To Support Robotics-Based Startup?

I hope this discussion question is appropriate for community consideration. Im way impressed with the EZ-Robot website, especially with the availability of finestkind resources and support. Im wondering if DJ is willing to share the choice he made regarding in-house development vs third party website management. And just as useful would be similar...
Humanoid Head With Camera & Rgb Eyes - What Additional Hardware?

Humanoid Head With Camera Rgb Eyes - What Additional Hardware?

Ive just ordered a humanoid head for the purpose of creating a prototype interactive math...

Introduction - New Member

DJ recently reposted an older thread on etiquette for our discussion threads, and noted in that repost that new members should introduce themselves to the community. So here goes: Im a university math prof who also has substantial teaching and research experience in CS/AI. My programming experience goes back to the punch card days (yes I am waaaaay...

Costing Out Volume Production

For prototyping purposes, I just recently purchased the following items, for a total of $252.34 (including $62.37 in shipping). Humanoid Head with Camera RGB Eyes Hexapod Body (includes battery) EZ-B v4 Wi-Fi Robot Controller Just for the purpose of discussion, suppose that I am lucky enough that the first order placed with my future startup...

Downloadable Manuals?

Are the ARC and EZ-Script manuals downloadable in PDF?
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