Asked — Edited


The store fronts I am looking at are all very close to a high school, a middle school and an elementary school. Earlier today, the thought occurred to me that it might be both educational and smart business to put on regularly scheduled adaptations of, say, some of Shakespeare's works, starring a few JD Robots. For example, how about age appropriate productions of "Robeo and Julienne"?

My questions: For those of you who have played with voice synthesization, can JD speak in either male or female voice? If so, the hard part would be in scripting the interactions between bots - a lot of work, yes, but doable?

What do you think?


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Windows 8.1 only comes with one voice, and Microsoft has really borked up SAPI5 really from Windows 7 on, but especially in Windows 8+. So, what you want to do is certainly possible, but will take some messing about with 3rd party voices and deleting files in your windows directories.



Thanks, Alan, I should have searched the community forum . . . (won't happen again).


No worries. I found the thread because I knew it was there.
