I'll be posting the work in progress pics for my Wall-e here.
EZ-B v3 Bluetooth Robot Controller (best invention ever!) 2 x Modified Servos for wheels/tracks 2 x Standard Servos for arms 2 x Micro Servos for head up/down & sideways BlinkM for right eye color changing/flashing, etc. 2.4 GHZ Camera (left eye) SparkFun MP3 Trigger for sounds 6V 3000 nimh rechargeable battery pack
Need to add:
Pico servos for hands & eye movement PING Sensor to avoid obstacles Anything else that may come to my head
By mereyes
— Last update
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Sweet! How long have these mods taken you?
That's a great looking Wall-E! nice build. I like how you extended his neck a bit with the servo, it gives him a curious look. He looks interested in everything lol
I like your idea to keep the battery low and to the front to avoid it tipping backward. He's known to do that quite easily.
Thanks guys
@brett, hard to say how long it's taken to build as I work on it whenever I have some spare time (which isn't much). Easily over 20 hours though.
I think that EZ-Kit will be the invent of the year for everyone that enjot these things!! or for example for me!!! I have 16 years old!! I will present my robot in 2 weeks!! Thanks @DJ Sures
yea this is an old forum but how large is it?