When The Altair Ez:1 Met Pepper


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When the ALTAIR EZ:1 met Pepper robot

We had a film crew here today, filming me and my robots which is to be part of a European documentary series to be aired later this year. We finally got to meet the Pepper robot and it was great fun seeing it interact with our EZ:1

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Bot brothers!

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How do you do Pepper

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That's so cool Tony. I see a budding cyber romance here. Ahh, robot love.

Congratulations on the media attention. You deserve every minute of it. I would really love to see this interview when it's released. If it's not available in the USA is there any chance of you posting a link?


Congrats Tony! I am happy to see things going well for you. I look forward to seeing the documentary when it airs.


Now that's fantastic news to hear to close off the week! Thanks for sharing, Tony! Hope we get to see the video as well:) lots of Altair fans here, including me


Congrats Tony! I also look forward seeing the Video as well. Your other robot looks like a body guard in the back gound or maybe a little jealous. :)

United Kingdom

Thanks Guys! I will certainly put a link up when the programme airs. The film crew are off around the World (Japan, China, Europe, USA etc) so this documentary series should be quite exciting!

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Pepper is a brilliantly designed robot

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This is how Pepper arrived - I need to get a flight case like this for the EZ:1



Excellent Tony! Looking forward to the documentary!

United Kingdom

That golden moment when the robots shook hands/claws!

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United Kingdom

Here is a video taken on a mobile phone while the main documentary filming was going on here at the studio - it obviously low quality but does give a hint of the exciting atmosphere here when these two bots got together! This is really just a taster as the professional documentary filming was much more extensive and clearer and will be aired later this year.



Thanks! That's so cool! Really excited to see the doc


That was really fun to watch. Two robots interacting with each other. We live in an amazing world. :)


That is awsome ! As Dave said finally cool to see the future!

United Kingdom

Thanks DJ, Dave, Will - One of my favorite bits was when Pepper reacted to ALTAIRs "high five" with a "don't shoot me" - priceless! When this happened the whole crew just burst into laughter!



Lol! That's so exciting to see spontaneous reactions like that!


any pics of the bottom drive system?


Just watched that video for the first time of them meeting, that was great to see!

Easy to tell which one is more intelligent.;)

United Kingdom

Thanks everyone!

Josh, I will post pics of the new locomotion drive when its completely changed over from the existing system.



Very cool video. Robots meeting. I think my robot Dave wanted to date a Pepper robot. I might need to build him a friend.