Other robots from Synthiam community
Ptp's Ezb V4 Custom Firmware V2
Hello everyone, I would like to share the new custom firmware available for EZB 4. Currently im beta testing the...
Ezang's My New And Improved Talk Servo
My new and improved ARC Talk Servo with the Arduino Arc software
Rb550f's Brookstone Ezb Teleprescence Robot
I put together a teleprescence robot using a Broostone rover 2.0.It stands 39 inches high and has a 7inch android...
Nice! Another ATAT Walker!
inspired by your work ..have to start somewhere and still had my sons ATAT and Wall-e... so here I go. Also have at least a dozen other robots Omni2000,R2D2 tons of Wowwee ,I-sobot and alot others including a new Six Hexapod on it's way..My wife thinks I am NUTS..
Nuts? Nah, fit right in here!