Other robots from Synthiam community
Luis's Using A Mq-? Sensor With The Ezb4 And ARC
Hello everyone.. Again I placed the demo into a video. Hope you enjoy. I will be happy to answer any questions you may...
Jstarne1's Calling All 3D Printers! Get The Stls While They...
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4031686/files Hello everyone, the LEVi Rover 3d files are assembled and ready to...
Steve's Affirmative. K-9 2.0, Online And Fully Operational....
Hi everyone. This is the first of two posts talking about the inspiration and features of my home robotics build. In the...
Nice! Another ATAT Walker!
inspired by your work ..have to start somewhere and still had my sons ATAT and Wall-e... so here I go. Also have at least a dozen other robots Omni2000,R2D2 tons of Wowwee ,I-sobot and alot others including a new Six Hexapod on it's way..My wife thinks I am NUTS..
Nuts? Nah, fit right in here!