Other robots from Synthiam community

Leversofpower's Roboquad Redux
The Wowee Roboquad had a labotomy and now its getting the hack de jour put to it... No remotes, IR codes, waiting,...

DJ's Robot Head
With an animatronic robot head, DJ created a new feature for ARC. This robot was used as a platform for the Relative...

Wolfie's Scraps
i got bored it took alot of time to piece it all together still lots planned for it that i need...
Nice! Another ATAT Walker!
inspired by your work ..have to start somewhere and still had my sons ATAT and Wall-e... so here I go. Also have at least a dozen other robots Omni2000,R2D2 tons of Wowwee ,I-sobot and alot others including a new Six Hexapod on it's way..My wife thinks I am NUTS..
Nuts? Nah, fit right in here!