Robot Sphere (but Call Me Rs)


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This the result of too much free time lately, the new project is a robot drawing a sphere, using the low-cost approach to the selection servos and other components, with a retractable arm that comes from inside through a gate and once inside collected no space and is also protected when not in use.:)

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This is an area of 28 cm in diameter (11 inches) of PVC, is a large Christmas ball, once cut in half I've noticed that need structural refurzos to hold its shape once installed all the electronics and mechanics. So I will use sections of an empty roll of wire for reinforcement.

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By — Last update


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His appearance will approximate this when it's finished, although, I have not decided if his head is shaped like a sphere or other differently. The base of the robot, where the engines, wheels and battery, joins the sphere for 3 aluminum tubes. At the front door opens and out the arm by a rail system. The arm measured 25cm (about 10 inches) aprobechando almost the entire inner space of the sphere.

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Very cool. I'm a big fan of unconventional robot designs. I'll be following your progress.



My goal is that his arm can handle objects from the floor to heights of 60 cm (23-24 inches) the table in my living room is inside that height, so you can pick up an object from the ground and leave it on the table or backwardO'nt as well as other tasks. The design, as well as the distance between the sphere and the floor and arm's height is based on object manipulation. The distance increases arm 15 cm (about 6 inches), to deploy the clamp with a rotation of 180 º from inside the hollow arm. (Although the maximum rotation servo wrist is 220-230 º) This is ideal for deploy the clamp and reach other angles useful in handling. The head has three servos, one for turning left and right, and two to look up and down The pitch servos are at each end of the neck, and functions as an arm (let's say your big belly prevents him from seeing his low) With this system long neck always have visual contact with the gripper and object manipulation. I have some ideas with the color tracking multiple camera, your clip is red ...:)

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You can also pick up your arm inward, leaving only the hand out of body, to take up less space if carrying something else. The sphere opens with hinges at the rear for access inside your body.

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I love , love, love.round robots. I use to draw things I wanted to build as a kid. I like where your going with this;) - Josh S


Given the size of your robot a rover 5 tracked base would be ideal for your project... Or you could make your own and use 4 -6 continuous rotation servos with a couple casters and that would work very well too. The continuous servos are more quiet than the rover 5 if that's a concern. - Josh S


The base is a subject I have to polish, I want to be simple and try to avoid an excessive number of servos, necessarily have to be two, either servos or esc and motor and gearbox. If it would Turnigy servos s8166m that would have to be modified for continuous rotation, with a proper torque for the weight of the robot. And maybe if they opt for engines roomba base I've seen for $ 30 at a local shop secondhand.


I used part of a toy hand to make the gripper. Consisting of 1 MG995 servo to deploy high wrist torque and rotation. And two servo Hextronik HXT900 for opening and closing of the clamp There are two reasons to choose two small servos instead of a standard: -The weight -The length of the hand With small servos could construct a shorter hand, and the two servos weight of 24 grams is small compared with standard servo 50 grams, half the weight bone. You use a rotation of 90 ° in the sevo for a rotation of 45 ° in each half of the gripper, and torque of each servo is doubled with respect to the gripper.;) The whole hand and their servos weighs 150 grams (5.29oz)

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Once again I must thank the producer of helicopters rc his great contribution to the world of robotics.

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A roomba base is a great one as long as it meets what your looking for in size because they are fairly wide and thick, then you build onto them. Nice work with the claw, are you going to custom make an arm?


From ARC is easy servos move together and in the right direction for opening the gripper, but if you want to save a digital port and manage the two servos with a single digital port, can connect the two servos with a cable "Y" but the two servos would move in the same direction. We have to dismantle and exchange servo cables servo motor, and also swapping cables (both end) servo potentiometer. This I did in my robot eyebrows save RSP to a digital port, and works well.


Yes, Josh, the arm is customized to the size for inside the ball, reach down and manipulation height mentioned before. The width of the arm is just to fold the hand inside. The arm has elbow and wrist, elbow is moved by a servo s8166m that at the end of the rail opening arm, whereupon the arm is an aluminum empty, without the hand.


@R2D2 That is a very cool design approach. Can't wait to see this little guy in operation.

Also what you said about modifying the servo so one channel can drive two servos but in opposite directions is a neat idea. I had looked at buying a special converter from servo City to do this but it costs $39.99 + s/h. So I'm glad to hear that I can do this your way and save me some money.:)

Servo Reverser


Yet another great robot using everyday stuff. I love it!


Great work R2D2 !


Thanks guys, I try to stand in the gap and take advantage when I have time.:) @ rgordon, Buy an inverter signal HobbyKing in very cheap ($ 2.14) but it never worked, and lost no time in claim. Signal Reverser

United Kingdom

That's sweet, I love it!


Pretty cool idea. Kinda makes me think of the robot Marvin from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy movie.


Glad to hear that RS is welcome here (now you are your friends). I'm building a temporary aluminum arm, weighs 120 grams (4.23oz) a little less than the hand with servos, although, the final model will weigh about 170 grams (5.99oz) and will be stronger. In total arm weight you have to move the servo s8166m is 320 grams (11.28oz) fairly light considering its length. According to calculations can handle objects of 250 grams (8.8185oz)

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This is the space occupied by the folding arm inside the sphere, will open a rectangular opening in the bottom half of the field to take his arm. The linear drive system to pull the arm off a headache interesting, although, I'm on it, and enjoy.

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love this build.

Do you have anything against me using your sphere as an example for my latest creation?

Rc car base, sphere body.


Technopro Sorry but I do not understand your question: "Do you have anything against me using your sphere" ?


sorry, i was half asleep.

i meant to say "do you have anything against me using your idea, but doing some modifications?"


my idea:

this is a blueprint for A.R.I.S., or Artificial Robot Intelligence System. Will post project soon.

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Again your idea is awsome.


Thanks Technopro, I think your drawing helps to understand your words, I guess it is a regional expression that google translator can not overcome, if your robot is going to have a sphere will be willing to open your project post to comment or suggest .:)


ok thank.

Do you speak español? If i know i can put my posts in english and spanish. or what ever language you speak. this could help our comunication, with us both doing similar projects.


For me it would be much easier esribir in Spanish, but I think as I respect most who speak English, and we all understand it is best to stick with the English. Normally I have no trouble understanding the messages (with some exceptions) Greetings.



i hope i didnt affend you in any way.

i will be working on my robot today so be watching for the project in project showcase.


Following progress on the project, the arm works better than I expected, has successfully raised objects 370 grams (13.05oz), more than estimated. The arm is pretty hard so I will make another arm of the same thickness of aluminum, but with better quality, more rivets and correct some misalignment.

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The speed of the servo (servo speed control) is 4 for elbow and wrist servos, servos speed 1 for the claw. The independent power of the elbow and wrist servos is mandatory. The servo s8166m goes up to 2 amps of consumption when working with weight.



that is a really nice arm design. nice movement

United Kingdom

That poor sheep!..

That's looking really good!


Its looking really good! Good work. What servos are you using ? They seem unusually loud for a light load. Are they analog or digital position controlled? Again good work - Josh S


Very friendly all boys, smoothness arm is thanks to ServoSpeed , now I have to play around with "relative servo" to ensure a horizontal position of the claw to manipulate a glass of water without spilling. List servos (all analog): -elbow: Turnigy s8166m -wirst: TowerPro MG995 -claw: Hextronix HXT900 (2 units)


Yep I too love round robots, nice job on the arm. My favorite round robot was Jinx from space camp.

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Precisely served me inspiration that robot, I saw the movie and thought the original design and although at first I thought of doing the robot with the legs and head with an extensible system, but besides that the price soared very high, I left no room for the boom, so I decided to do something more functional and less costly, greetings.:)

#39   — Edited

Hi guys, Just an idea. I sometimes get lazy so I use something already available. How about using a Six for the legs instead of wheels?  Looking at the picture of Jinx gave me the idea. Just a lazy man idea....  Thanks for sharing the build. Cool arm and I'm looking forward to the next steps