


Tappie: 3d printed robot covered with fabric upholstery - 45cm with 5 axis of movement (arms - eyeballs). Runs on EZB4. Tappie is designed for an educational context. Children can show Tappie cards with QR codes and he responds by telling short stories about these cards. This project has a large soundboard with custom made soundbites, does motion tracking, speech recognition and QR tracking. The ARC interface makes it possible for anyone to easily operate the robot. This robot has simplified architecture and might also be suitable for a building workshop in the future.

Tappie was designed as part of the Tapas organisation and their 'TaPas for Kids T4-K' program. http://tapascity.org and http://tapascity.org/amelia-foundation/

I am still debugging some issues in the ARC but am very happy with the way it performs! Will make a more advanced Tappie using the Ez robot platform.

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Replace that EZ-B V4 with an IOTiny. It will handle what you are doing along with cost about 1/3 the price for the board, along with freeing up an EZ-B V4 for other purposes.

I love how he looks. Great job.


indeed an IOTiny could be a good idea! wil lower the costs ;-) thanks!


I'd love to see a video of tappie operating to have included in a future news letter


Yes love these builds , videos please!


Excellent job ! Great idea. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the reply guys! Really appreciated :-) Tappie in the Ez Robot news letter, would be really cool... Here you can find some videos: https://we.tl/xLZFniekbG Still need to work on some good hires footage of my projects, this was made with my phone for now :-)...



I have this weird problem with scanning QR codes and executing animations in ARC. If I scan the same QR code 2 times after each other, the second time the scan gets recognised but does not trigger the animation. I need than to scan another QR code before I can rescan the same card again. Any advice? grtz Seth


You have to give the camera control a bit of time between detection to trigger scripts - or lower the required frame count value. Read the blue question marks in the configuration to understand more.

Here it is tracking... Notice it is RED and has a frame count?

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Here is is NOT tracking. Notice it is not red and the detected frame count is 0

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That value will increase for every frame that is detected. Once it reaches the specified frame count, the Tracking Start script will execute.

There are tons of blue question marks and information about tracking within the camera control configuration. Even right beside the Start Tracking script edit button is a blue question mark. The drop down to select the number of detected frames is also on the same page as the Start Tracking script.

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