Well robotic friends, this is a first look at what I am building. Figured I would give you all a look what I have done so far. Its not alive yet, still waiting on my preorder and other parts I have on order. Please bear with me on the quality of pictures, still getting used to things.
Its a combo of a Rad 1.0 and a Robosapien V2 and a Omnibot 2000 and more things to come as I tinker. This is my first robot to build.
By stonewolf
— Last update
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This is looking awesome, are you using the part that shots out the darts?
Answer for bautista :-} Well I still have all of the parts, so at this stage I don't know if I am going to have the dart launcher. The chest piece of the V2 Robosapien took up some space, I am going to come up with something though, I do have a few ideas. I wasn't going to show pictures of the robot yet, but I am getting anxious to share with all of you, I keep on seeing everyone elses robots, figured I would put mine out here also. I think it is rather a unique build, 3 different robots, then having the power of the new V4 coming, just plain cool :-} By the way I didn't destroy a Omnibot 2000, since on Ebay the Omnibots were selling sort of out of my range, I found just the head on Ebay and I thought I would buy it and see if I could make it work, and well it does.
That's great work so far, like you I'm waiting on a preorder To finish some connections and testing of a robot build.
Well I said I was going to make this my winter project and well it is indeed that. When I order the EZ Robot kit, I had know idea I was ordering a preorder. Which in the long run is fine with me, because I had to seek out and purchase everything, most coming off of Ebay. Just by luck I found a Omnibot 2000 head, wasn't originally going to use that kind of head, but it just seemed to fit right together with a little modifying :-} I still have aways to go, but I am also working on a name and a color scheme. I am also going to work on having the robot plug itself in when it's batteries start to get low, but that is down the road. My family and a few friends cannot believe I am building a robot, but then around this area, I don't believe many people think about or have hobbies like I do, I don't mind :-}
That's absolutely brilliant! I'm blown away!
@stonewolf.... awesome idea...looking forward to your progress
Hello DJ :-} I thought perhaps that would get your attention :-} Thank you for your compliment. I have been wanting to come up with a unique build. I really am excited about this whole revolution thing and I am also anxious to show people around here about what can be done with the EZ Robot kits. I would love to get a robot business going, just gotta get people to see what can be done. I am also looking into the 3d printer thingy, I got time, gotta get the robot done, then I will work on the rest :-} Dj I also wanted to let you know you and your team are doing one heck of a job, I know what it is like trying to get a business to grow and well if everything keeps going well, your going to be around for a very long time, you got the brains and a openmind, keep on doing what your doing :-}
Well I just wanted to say, there are a lot of smart people on here and very unique robot builds, it takes a special kind of person with and openmind and some creativity to build a robot all different from the rest. I am glad I found EZ Robot and this site. I have some more ideas, but I want to complete this one first. This really makes me feel like a kid again :-}
Looking good. Love how that Omni 2000 head fits perfectly with the Rad body and the Robosapian arms work too. Brilliant!
You really made all those robot parts come together nicely. Well done!
I see, I own a rad 1.0 my self and a robosapien v2 but I am not familiar with the omnibot I gotta look for some videos about it. Will you be utilizing the rest of your robosapien parts for a different project?
Bautista116 :-} Well the robosapien V2 I had bought off of Ebay was a paralyzed one, wiring harness was crap and well it had some loose/broken parts in the legs, I was just wanting the upper section and arms, so it was a good deal for what I was needing it for. Right now I am just keeping what parts I have, until my robot is done, then what I have left I will probably keep or sell. If you want to see the Omnibot 2000 you can find a couple on Ebay or you can even look at what others have done with the Omnibot 2000 on the site, DJ has done one and so have others. Tonight I have been working on my robots head, it's going to turn side to side, but I am working on having it move it head in all directions, with a pan and tilt system, just trying to figure out away to fasten it and well the head is sort of weighted. I got to sit down and come up with a name and also a color scheme, I am going to make this thing unique :-} I just cannot wait to bring it alive :-} I just bought a dremel 200 yesterday, it makes things so much simpler, when cutting and modifying the body and parts, I have been doing all of the cutting by hand and with a mini hacksaw. I am having fun building this robot, I am used to building and modifying RC 4x4 trucks, so this is very different for me.
Well I think I am close to getting my robot to be able to nod it's head and turn it side to side, had to stop and take a break and watch a movie and when I got back to my work bench it just came to me. I will eventually be adding pictures of the inside of the robot and all of the modifications and brainstorms I have done. I have some more things coming from Ebay that I should be getting, I might even start a second robot of some sort, since I am waiting for the V4 to come so I can give my robot some life :-} I would like to get an Omnibot 2000 to tinker with :-} Well I hope everyone is doing well :-}
Stepping away helps sometimes. I'll spend all day struggling with something and finally call it a night, crawl into bed and 15-20 minutes later more answers start coming to me and I have to decide weather to get back up or not. Usually not, I only sleep 4-6 hours a day so when I get to bed it's because I need to.
To second what Troy said, you put those parts together nice. What a great mix of bots.
That is awesome! I never would have thought to combine those parts in that way. I'm looking forward to seeing this robot develop.
Well one of the reasons I started this project was because of what I saw on here. I had never seen, even heard of some of these robots made years back, never paid attention. Well I saw how some of you bought and restored the Omnibot 2000 and the Rad robots. I already was familiar with the Robosapien V1, having owned one in the past. Long story short, I got on Ebay, I bought a Rad 1.0 and a Rad 2.0 for a really good price and then I bought a paralyzed Robosapien V2, just to see if I could fix it. I had them all torn apart and was cleaning them up, when I thought to myself, I wonder what the Rad robot would look like if it had arms and hands that would move, so being openminded and curious and not having a lot of money wrapped into things, I started this build. Then I just got lucky with the Omnibot 2000 head that I recently found on Ebay and well it fit right in with things. I have a couple of other parts I should be winning soon and I will see where things go from there. I think today I am going to sit down and work on a name and a color scheme, probably won't start painting until closer to spring, when it warms up some, my garage isn't heated :-{ By the time the EZ Robot V4 arrives with my other parts I have ordered, I should have things pretty well setup to start testing and getting this bot up and moving. I am also working on cover pieces for the shoulders, sort of tricky, I think I have them already, just got to take my time and custom cut them to fit. But hey it's just time, my dremel and some grinding and patience :-} I will probably start asking questions pretty soon, once I get into the harder more technical parts of the build. I like modern day robotics, but I also like the looks and designs of robots from the past, so this robot brings everything at this point in time together, the best of both worlds :-} I was wondering, where is everyone from on here? I live in Plymouth, Indiana :-}
South western Ontario. Appearantly over 120 countries have bought ez-robot stuff so all over.
Hey Steve, I'm in Toledo, Ohio. Not too terribly far from you. I have a nephew who lives in Elkhart. His name just happens to be DJ lol
Antron007 :-} No your not that far away. I was just wondering where everyone lives, seems like there are not not many robot builders around this area.
Steve, I'm in Monroe, OH (outside of Cincinnati). It would be neat to do a regional/Tri-State gathering sometime in the future. Maybe at a Maker Fair or something?
Well I just got lucky again, I had 2 more winning bids on Ebay for a set of Robosapien V2 arms and hands and a Robosapien torso with the boards, I just might attempt another build blending together a Rad 2.0 and a Robosapien V2, this time I might use the Rad 1.0 head, just an idea, might find another head :-} If I don't build another bot, I will just have spares for my robot now :-} " JustinRatliff " Yes it would be very neat to have a Maker Fair or some sort of a group robotic gathering :-}
cool design.are these arms from robosapien v2 special edition signed one by mark tilden .
nomad18.08 :-} Yes they are arms from the Robosapien V2 special edition signed by Mark Tilden, the other Robosapien V2 I used was also a special edition one that I used.
i have one too.love the color titanium
@Stonewolf & @Justin. I'd be into something like that as well.
Goodmorning to all :-} Well I have managed to managed to give my robot a movable neck with a pan and tilt. Took some brainstorming and some customizing but I managed to get the Omni 2000 head fasten into place and now it nods and urns left and right, I know it may not seem like a big deal, but for me it is a major achievement, since this is my first robot build. I will be putting pictures up on here later, showing the neck :-} Hopefully everyone is doing well, I am just working inside, we are supposed to be getting more snow and colder temperatures, I am glad I made this a winter project, this is the first real winter we have had in years.
LOL, I was just saying the same thing about winter earlier today. Moving head is super cool. I'd consider it a big deal. That's going to go a long way towards making your bot very lifelike. Good job. I can't wait to see the new progress.
Well I just got lucky and scored another great deal on Ebay :-} At the last 15 seconds I found and iRobot Roomba with the charger, cheap. They said they didn't know if it ran or not, untested. Oh well I love to tinker and well it has the charger base, perhaps I can use it to charge my robot later on :-} I paid more for postage than I did the Roomba, but still cheap :-}
Antron007 :-} Thanks for the pat on the back about getting my robots head to move :-} It is important to me so when I install the EZ camera he will be able to see up and down and left to right. I am very surprised by the weight of the Omnibot 2000 head, how the servos hold it steady, thought about using springs to help support it in position, nothing tight, just something to firm it up a little. I would also love to have a 2 cameras in it's head, one for each eye, but that will be later, if it can be done?
To anyone who is reading this. Does anyone know where I can buy any of that gray flexible plastic that is used to cover the Omnibot 2000 neck. Just wondering?
He is really cool looking. I love the arm/hand additions.
I am really thinking we have some amazing robots on this site, I have never seen the variety and creativity before, it is just truely awesome :-} I am so anxious to get mine up and running, I am hoping February I get a package at my house with a V4 ready to supercharge my bot :-} I am seriously thinking about starting another build, need to go through my parts and see what I can come up with.
Cool build! I am near Atlanta, GA.
Well I just got in from shoveling snow and being out in the cold and now I think I will just work on the robot for the next week or so, we have snow and then artic cold weather coming again. I believe I have come up with a name for my robot finally :-} I have given it the name of "ROAMIN", it's a different name and well sorta makes sense. Being that I am using a Rad 1.0 track driven base and well it is going to be exploring indoors, I just think that ROAMIN is a good name :-} I am also working some more on the robots neck, I am using springs for support, since the head is abit heavy, it was not wanting to stay level. The head was wanting to go down or sag down towards the front, so I used springs, not to tight or stiff to solid up the head from moving around, seems to be holding well :-} Well since I have come up with a name for my robot I will be coming up with a color scheme, cannot really do any painting until warmer weather, so there is no hurry, but I would love to primer and paint it, but I would really love to bring it to life, where oh where is the EZ ROBOT V4, I know I am just anxious as everyone else. I have also came up with an idea for the chest of my robot. I will post more pictures soon of what I have come up with :-}