Roman with new head movements and more...



New ARC program with the arduino

So far he can: move his eyes move his head move his mouth, timed with the words he is speaking

still needs cosmetically a better face, skin - looking around

By the way, I can get him to use AIML Bot / Bing Speech Recognition - I ask him questions, he audibly answers me.

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Hey you know way back there was a horror movie called Magic,gave me nightmares as it was a stringed puppet that would start moving and talking by itself in the middle of the night ,sitting on a chair and staring at the guy sleeping in the bed,Looked exactly like your robot there. Then again what do I know I have a Terminator staring at me while I watch TV LOL! I even took a photo one day with no Flash the first photo was normal but the second one right after shows the right eye glowing red. It had no battery,creeped me out too!

#2   — Edited

"The brain that wouldn't die"  movie - Dave Schulpius a horror movie called "Magic"  - Robo-rad

I am starting to think everyone thinks he is scary, creepy and cool, quite a combination :-) Maybe I need a smiling robot.

So far he can: move his eyes move his head move his mouth, timed with the words he is speaking

still needs cosmetically a better face, skin -  looking around

By the way, I can get him to use AIML Bot / Bing Speech Recognition - I ask him questions, he audibly answers me.

Thanks any comments.



i loved the beard.did he chave himself.xD


lol, was going to give him a bigger beard to cover jaw


I wouldn't dwell on the creepiness factor too much - because it's a huge challenge that robots are facing. I personally believe robots should look more like robots and less like humans/living things for that reason. It's called the uncanny valley, which you can read more about here:

The current biggest example of creepy uncanny valley is that sophia "robot". I put "robot" in quotes because it's just a poorly animated & pre-scripted mannequin - slightly more advanced than the animatronics on the disney world "Its a small world" ride:D

Here's an example of how terrible creepy and bad sophia robot is... ugh... Everything about this video makes me cringe. Sophia is an embarrassment to our efforts in this industry. Little do the creators know how much damage they're doing to the industry...

#6   — Edited

Thanks for your comments DJ

I also think a robot should look like more like a robot,  :-)

I am more focused that the: eyes move head moves mouth moves, timed with the words he is speaking

Also have him working with AIML Bot / Bing Speech Recognition

cosmetics for later



Hey man hope I did not offend you with my last creepy comments,I actually really like what you are doing to give artificial intelligence to the robot and spark up real conversations as that is just what I am starting to learn to do with my latest creation,Cheers!


Robo rad, no offence taken.

I welcome all comments, we are all trying...

Be well my robot friend,



Sophia could be built with synthiam but better.


Autiboy, I built my robot with ACR - Synthiam software and instructions.


EZang, I like your robot a lot. It looks good and moves well. I too am using AIMLBot/Bing. It’s a combination that works well. As for skin, there are a large number of silicone masks both male and female available on Amazon and eBay for about $100-$300. The only problem with silicone masks is that you then need stronger servomotors. The rubber adds a lot of friction. Also, I found some excellent 60kg/cm servo motors for about $50 each on Amazon. These work well for moving the shoulders and elbows.

#12   — Edited

Autiboy, I am building a Sophia-like robot using and EZ-B. Her name is Simone.