Roman the robot



Here are a  few Roman the robot pics

video coming soon

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Roman the robot New Robot 2020 Arc software: I am using an Ezb4 controller, battery, a EZrobot 1300 with four Ez 360 HDD servos for the two arms with 4 servo City gear boxes 4 servo City channels for arms a iotiny controller / battery, a EZrobot 1300 for camera servo, and two 996R servos for the 2 servo City grippers An Arduino - with a shield /power USB off my laptop 2 Micro servo Motor for the eyes, a Micro servo Motor for the mouth and a 996R servo for the DF-Robot rotation hex base 2 servo City plates for front of robot Using a stand I had and a shirt. Four 13.5 servo City channels to form a platform for the head and accessories. Misc. mask with hair, Styrofoam head cut, hot glue, screws, nuts, wire, servos, eyes, extensions etc


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@EzAng  I love your creativity.  but can I make a few suggestions.  I have several inmoov robots and a robot humanoid head, the problem is people have negative. reactions to my creations especially if you try and copy the human form.  I suggest you use Roman's head as a social interactive robot by itself and your Robot body with grippers as a true robot, and design a new robot head with a mechanical look.  you could use a IO TINY which is not expensive in roman's head.  or visa versa which ever robot has the least amount of servos. there are lots of 3D print robot heads that would be more suitable for your project

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@nallycat Nice head design there. Can imagine the cool body that would go with that.


@RoboHappy  This is in a 3d printer file and be 3d printed.  you could print a body, something like Will Huff has with his star war robot bartender and it would be very cool.

#5   — Edited

I understand nallycat, how is this?

do you have the 3d files?

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@EzAng  Yes that is much better.  are you thinking of making this creation mobile, maybe a wheel or tread base. now that you have a 3d printer you could add some printed parts, to add some more interest.

#7   — Edited

@EzAng Yes that is much better. are you thinking of making this creation mobile, maybe a wheel or tread base. now that you have a 3d printer you could add some printed parts, to add some more interest.    Go to this site here is a robot head you can download. have a look and have fun   you click download all the files and start printing. it will take a very long time. there seems to be more of that head at


@nallycat Thats a cool head on thingeverse

@EzAnge what cool things do you have planned for your bot to do?


I was thinking of some movement options

I can use Aiml Bot for audio random talking, not sure how to use Alexa voice

Thanks for all your help, all of you


#11   — Edited

@EzAng  Hi On the Alexa home device there is a 1/8 inch audio out jack. you can get a two male audio cable one end into alexia the other into microphone audio in jack on your computer so ARC can use alexia voice and alexia voice will come out of the speaker on your Robot.. another way is to use a scary terry audio servo board to control the mouth servo if you have a mouth and or lights and you can put the alexia home directly in the robot. using the scarry terry circuit board. DJ made a demo on connecting alexia to an EZ-Robot v4 Controller  and I think Will did it with Allen.


hi ezang

great printing going?

#13   — Edited

Hi Nomad, just got in my magigoo to print today possible. Been so busy, haven't had time to mess with the printer  yet.

How is your printing going?

nallycat - I am looking for the link for - DJ made a demo on connecting alexia to an EZ-Robot v4 Controller and I think Will did it with Allen.

now I use the talk servo for Mr. Roman




So far all my prints are popping of while printing - what can I do?



does the nozzle knocks off the print?


I think so, the print does not stick

How high should the nozzle be?



when the nozzle hits the print ,it leaves a mark on the print where he hit it. i would try the uhu sticks on a glas bed . for the first time printing. the hight between the bed and the nozzle is one A4 paper. also see that in the settings off the printer are set to the correct distans x,y,z also heatbed and nozzle , needs to be stored on the printer,so the printer knows where the nozzle is. i can make a video for you how to level the bed.


ok make a video

thanks EzAng


ok i make is a picture off what nallycat means with printing a test cube. in the pic you see the problem on the monoprize printer. the x is not correct. you check your setting in the printer are correct.

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you have the file for the cube?


#21   — Edited

@EzAng   If the part is not sticking to the print bed the print nozzle is too far from the print bed.  redo print bed leveling.  if you are using hairspray.  add several more heavy coats to the print bed.  increase the bed temperature to 80 deg cel.  do not get discouraged it takes time to dial in a printer for best prints, lots will go wrong at first. do a search on  for a test cube.  when you have a 3d printer you will need to do a lot of online searches, get used to it.


hi nallycay/ezang

ezang keep in mind that avery bed wil bend a little when heating up. see that you keep the bended side on the back or front side, if the bending is on one side of the glas.make a mark on the glas with a marker, so you can place the glas on the bed always in same direction.  it make bed leveling easier to do.

#24   — Edited


here a little video about leveling the bed. i will make tomorow another video about checking the bending from a bed.

and here a pic how you do it.check all 4 corners and the last one in the middle.

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I will try that, thanks
