Hi All Here is a sneak peak of my latest ALTAIR robot - SCAMP is what I call a (ground based) "Assist-Drone" a new kind of (low cost) robot helper/companion for the elderly/disabled and would also be useful in Care Homes and Hospitals.
Users in wheelchairs etc can control the Assist-Drone to move around the house, keep watch over users, fetch objects and do simple cleaning tasks etc. SCAMP (telescopic) reach goes right down to ground level where the bot can pick up objects from the floor. The robot has 2 Ai Machine Learning vision sensors with 7 built-in functions: face recognition, object tracking, object recognition, line tracking, colour recognition, tag recognition and object classification.
SCAMP also doubles as a 'Telepresence robot' with a tablet face version and is Alexa enabled.
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Always wonderful robots, waiting to see it in action,
I am interested to learn how to work the face emotions, are you using a tablet?
thanks EzAng
That's awesome. Its very much what I wanted to do for my mom recently ,who is disabled and in a wheelchair. But the big trick, because of her stroke, she cant really speak, so no verbal commands to the robot. Visual commands might be an option?
Hi RoboHappy
ToyMaker has a great thing here, waiting to see it operate.
Here is Frank, he might be able to help you and your mom, Frank's email is at the end
Here is an something interesting I asked Frank where did he go :
Here is his response, sounds like what you want to do
Hello Angelo, EzAng
I’ve been focusing on some bigger robots such as Loomo and Temi for Elders note the drink delivery system
Here is my robot channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCETxxjaU981xReTul-6rA3A
Here is my Elder channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBVxf646R95nXLHqVe3GPOw
I also now write a column for a senior-focused website where family members want to help their elderly parents with technology: https://www.techenhancedlife.com/articles/diy-technology-solutions-things-bothering-my-aging-relatives
I’m also creating Alexa Skills for seniors: https://www.techenhancedlife.com/solutions/time-day-dementia-patient-alexa-skill
Thanks for reaching out to me, Frank faengelm@gmail.com
Tony, Great to see your new robot Scamp, you mentioned it in a comment on Instagram. It looks to be very practical, I like it. I have pretty much recovered from a stroke several years ago, but last year diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Trying to keep busy. Your robots have always inspired me because they have a practical approach. Thanks for sharing. Steve S
Here is a video of my FCC-Assist (Face Cheek Control) scale wheelchair prototype in operation! I am working on a version for controlling SCAMP with eye cheek movements. ** Please enable SOUND for this video **
FCC-Wheelchair - Wireless SMART Face Cheek Control Wheelchair - here is the PoC (Proof of Concept) working scale version of the wheelchair that is controlled by the users face cheek muscles via our wireless FCC Glasses. A SMART processor and sensors automatically stops collisions/falls (stairs, drop edges etc), this main wheelchair processor takes over in an accident situation - FCC glasses can also input text (emails etc), Text to Speech (data input to communicators etc), non-verbal control of SmartSpeakers (Alexa, Google hope etc) and gaming etc by face cheek movement only (blinking not required).
As always inspiring and amazing work Tony!
Your FCC-Assist (Face Cheek Control) scale wheelchair is a wonderful prototype.
Just might help some people in the future, thanks for the video
It's great to have one of our robotics masters back with a new robot. I'm really looking forward to watching this one progress. As usual you are ahead of the curve. This is awesome stuff!
Welcome back Tony!
@Toymaker, I've been looking closely at your robot. I'm very impressed what you've designed and engineered. I love the telescopic riser and the cheek sensors just blow me away.
Agreed, FCC-assist is absolutely astounding!
Thanks for all the kind words guys! I have spent the last few years developing Assistive Tech for the Elderly/Disabled - my MBT allows users to control Alexa, Google Home etc by breath alone (no speech required). Here are some of my new AT devices. Tony
Very nice Tony. God bless you. I'm sure all this work is making a huge difference in peoples lives.
Thanks Dave, I finally have backing from a very large PLC and hope now to get my (low cost) affordable AT to the people that need it all around the Globe! The Bio-Mechanical generator is for areas in Africa etc that have no power grids, this device (based on SuperCaps) can charge electrical devices including my AT anywhere and is not dependant on solar/wind power etc. With the right size SuperCaps, this generator can start a car! Best Regards Tony
The Bio-Mechanical generator is something I can use at my farm.
It has no internet, no city electricity, no city water
I would so love to get my mom to use this,If a elderly severe stroke victim can use this, it would be awesome.
Tony Often wondered what you were researching and inventing , best of luck with your latest prototypes ,as always you don’t just come up with new concepts , you see it through and prove that it works. Pat
Thanks everyone for all your kind comments!
Introducing T-SCAMP (Tablet version) - Featuring an Amazon Fire 8 tablet with Alexa functionality - this amazingly (low cost) device has great capabilities thanks to the Amazon Alexa ecosystem which greatly enhances the robots usefulness. T-SCAMP has advanced features such as 2 x Ai Machine Vision sensors (7 functions) - Face Recognition, Object Tracking, Object Recognition, Line Tracking, Color Recognition, Tag Recognition, Object Classification.
T-SCAMP is a (low cost) semi-autonomous Telepresence robot and what I call an "Assist-Drone" a new kind of robot helper/companion for the elderly/disabled, People from all types of environments are now putting Telepresence robots into action and can be found in:- Care Homes, Hospitals, Schools, Medical Clinics, Corporate Offices and Domestic environments. They can also support students facing adversity.
SPECIFICATION: Sensor cluster:
5 DOF precision arm Telescopic riser (increases the range of end effector) Claw Ai Machine Vision sensor Right/Left RGB pulsating light-bars (display robots intended movement, safety info, system status, perceived danger)
Locomotion Base:
This is very cool and seems very usefull. Is it being offered in the US ? Would love to see a demo of this in real world action.
Good luck with all your endeavors
Here is something to think about (sounds like Dj's stuff)
I think the key difference here is we all know T-SCAMP is real today and Teslabot is at least 20 years away from production.