My name is Hunter, I am 8 yrs. old, and wanted to build my own robot. S.A.M. Synthetically Advanced Machine is the robots name. My grandpa Steve S, had me watch the EZRobot movies showing me how to build before we started. Rich kindly created a playlist, my Dad helped me cut the arms, and prepared our computer. My robot is made with simple items. Dollar store body and head. Water bottle caps for eyes with homemade blue inserts. Recycled L.E.D.s from autodealer mailing gadget, grandma collected. PVC pipes for arms. Ears made from bubble blowing tops. Radio Shack on/off switch. Aluminum bars. Screws, washers, nuts, and bolts. Powered by EZ Robot kit Version3. Hope you like my robot.
By HStud
— Last update
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I love it.Keep up the good work.Looks like you have a lot talent..Glad to see someone your age with creative abilties.Hope to see more from you..And yes EZB is awesome.
Here is one I made for my grandson..He is 3 feet tall and made of foam board hot glued together.This was a lot of fun to build with him.
Awesome, well done! It looks great.
This is great. I love to see young people doing this. They will never forget it. Great job.
What a great robot.
Nice work @HStud! I love the eyes and how it moves! Don't stop now! You did such a great job on this one. What's next? Please keep us posted with pics & Vids!
What a great robot, well done, can't wait to see your next build :-)
:D that is so the colors and the sound is amazing.
Great! Outdone by a 8 year old.
No, really, He has done an Excellent Job. He will have three doctorates in Engineering and he is starting off in a really great time in Robotics. He may be the one that causes mankind to reach Singularity.
Good Work.
Looking to see more. He is the future.
Very awesome Hunter! I remember when my grandpa helped me build one of my first robots. Mine was not as cools as yours though! We didn't have EZ-Robot back in 1980something
That's a great robot Hunter! Fantastic to see your Grandpa teaching you robotics! I look forward to seeing more of your robots.
This is ridiculously cute! Love it! Both Hunter and his robotic creation!
Great robot Hunter! I am very impressed with your new robot friend
Hopefully you will consider a future career in the robot industry. Keep up the great work!
Wow! That robot is cute. Great job Hunter, that is really cool. Keep on playing with your robot, you'll do amazing things!
Great job hunter your robot looks awesome
WOW Hunter! That's amazing!
Hey guys, thanks so much for your compliments about my robot.
Special thanks to grandpa for his help!
You go kid! That's a top notch little bot. Impressive to say the least.
Nice job!
Congratz man ! Really impressive work ! Now you've started there's no way back..... I started at the same age and a few decades later... still building robots. Keep up the good work !
This is the best thing I have ever seen. What an awesome Dad! Great hob Hunter!
You have done a really great job there Hunter. That is a properly cool robot. I love how you made the eyes, simple design, but look awesome. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Very cool robot Hunter! Keep up the great work!
My robot gets new EZB4, hands, rechargable batteries, drive servos, and a new camera. I was just pretending when I said peanut butter, my robot does not understand me good enough, to run on the table, we learned that the hard way. I went to a class at our library to learn Scratch and made games. Hope you like my robot.
Wow! Hunter is all grown up and so is SAM! Thank you for sharing!
its amazing,its looks&sound so naturel to him.
Great robot Hunter! Enjoyed the videos!
Hunter, you are doing great with your robot SAM. Teach a child to program robots and he will get his friends into robots! Plus he will learn to program computers, phones, networks and anything else he wants to do. This is a great time for Scratch to come out! Have fun programming your robot!
@hunter, awesome robot! Time for a start- up business! Sam is a very nice looking robot for sure!
S.A.M. gets some adjustments.
Hunter, great Job. Keep up the great work!
Steve, also a great job teaching your grandson. I can't wait to start doing this with mine.
Very cool Hunter!
Great work Hunter! Always excited to see S.A.M.!
Thank you EZ Robot, My brother and I spent the weekend at Grampa and Grandmas and worked on robots. My brother has a DIY robot and we ran both robots. Hope you like our robots. We tried different things.
Great video I watched it twice. Looks like S.A.M wins. Captain America is going to need some upgrades
Haha the dreaded wheel lock.