Other robots from Synthiam community
Ezang's The Watching - Talking Eye That I 3D Printed :-) Two...
My watching, talking Eye - he sees youuuuuuuuuuu Better be cool
Andy's Lilian Is Assembled And Running
Hello to All, Lilian ( LIfe LIke ANdroid ) is my test robot (ver1) made from a trash can, a cardboard box, a mask,...
Foamtastic's Working On A Baby Dragon.
ALL VIDEOS HAVE BEEN MOVED TO MY NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rzTuN8JW_pY0RDhS7Q0BA when I...
Nice gripper! Very nice. Seems to have a number of servos. Are you using an arduino uno?
Yes I am using the arduino uno and your firmware - works great, thanks
I used the DFrobot hex base, servos MG996R - 4 for 20.00 Parts and grippers I got on amazon
Your websites were down for a while, any updates?