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There is no way in hell he will be able to walk, but my printer(s) is/are ready...:)


its awesome robot.whit a gyro and feetsensors he can walk. look at darwin-freddy-nao they all walk.


@nomad... Nao is less than 2ft tall... A full sized humanoid will need serious processing power, special joint motors and the backing of a well funded University in order to get it to walk... No offence dude, but you don't know enough about robotics and programming to understand how difficult it is to get a full sized human biped to walk... Just ask Honda....

Even just upright balancing would be a serious challenge...

If they give inMoov feet the size of snowshoes then maybe I might be able to get him to walk...:P


Yeah - that won't walk. It's legs are also very small compared to his body. Sort of dwarf-like. I hope someone makes a version that looks less like a hobbit android haha


this is a big robot.and small one.its all about money. now they can let any robot walk.


Nice! Great balance and movement. Full walking gait, left and right shift is smooth.


you say ,you need a well funded institute to make a robot walk.thats thru. but why do you want to make the legs for your inmoove iff you never , ever be able to let him walk,cause you say you be reddy to print them. and you also dont have the knowledge to do so.nobody has ever seen, the data or any to let a robot walk.we just see video's. if you see on FB there is a robot walking backwarts the stairs up.


well it looks like inmoov is steping up his game lol yea i agree those legs as well as his waist support don't exactly add up to his upper body structure, they need to be bigger in order to be able to adjust to the body aspect ratio and a gyro, acceleromator, and possibly a inverted pendulum, (no sure about the pendulum or not) distance sensors and pressure sensors in the feet to adjust to the distance and pressure of the ground underneath him. but at least the inmoov is making some really progress. bravo inmoov team.


i think the under arms are little to long

Great Britain

it's alright guys, i got 2 more exams to go, then i'm going to make a big walking robot

also does anyone know when the inverted pendulum is going to be released confused confused confused


@Nomad... I would print the legs just for show that's all.... Right now inMoov is just a half a robot... DJ pointed out that his legs are a bit short for his body, but still having a complete robot would be nice....

Sorry dude, I wasn't taking a shot at you... I am not even sure I could get inMoov to walk even if I had all the right (expensive) hardware already installed in his legs... This would be challenging programming for sure... Biggest problem is the feet are too small.... With those small/narrow feet walking like a human would (IMHO) be pretty much impossible...



am not offended.i like talking straight forwart. and sensors in the feet to. think the arms little chorter to.

Great Britain

why don't you look at trying something like this

Great Britain

thanx hope it helps:D:D


Dude Andrew like nomad said great find indeed, lol I love watching xlrobots YouTube videos he always has something nifty to show on there and I think that this would be a great first experimental step(no pun intended) in inmoov's walking mechanism and it has given me an idea of what I need to do with my robot as well once it move to bipedal stage thanks andrew34

Great Britain

do u have an inmoov as well


Even up scaled those legs can barely hold themselves up let alone 25+xtra lbs that an inMoov torso weighs... Inmoov is very top heavy.... you guys need to find some seriously better hardware and software if you ever want to see inMoov walk...:)

Great Britain

this pair of legs can definitely hold it due to thees they are really strong


@andrew34 Dude... it ain't gonna' happen... not at a hobbyist level, anyway... There are so many factors involved... Why do you think those robots at Darpa cost $$$$$... because it is seriously difficult to get a human sized robot to walk...

Great Britain

you're probably right, but once i have finished my exams, i'm gonna tackle it:D:D


I admire your determination... You develop inmoov legs that actually work... tell you what, I will buy them off of you.... :)

Great Britain

ok... inmoov is soooooo widely used, and sooooooo common amongst you guys, i want to make something special, with legs

ps i don't own a 3d printer


great video now i know for what the tiny rubbers are for. do i see one fault in the design,and that is the blue gear that going on the servo, has no inner when under stress the screw will come off.


You know what, I take my negativity back? DJ had mentioned if we were able to work together as a community I am willing to bet we (us as a collective) could possibly come up with a solution to get inMoov to walk ...:)


You could do it at our hobbyist level - but not with the weight of the inmoov and 3d printed plastic. The inmoov weighs an absolute ton compared to a robot with aircraft aluminum. The Darpa robots do cost a lot, but they're also university students and theoretical roboticists - which is why all the darpa robots are such a disappointment.


Richard r while i agree with what you are saying to an extent, i wouldn't actually go so far as to say a hobbyist level couldn't be achieved. you must remember darpa uses hi tech equipment and mostly steel components, while hobbyist use polyurethane plastic (or what ever is used commonly with the 3d printers), nuts, bolts, nuts, screw, ext. and a little know how, mostly from diagrams of ideas threw trial and error. i mean nothing is impossible i but if so off the community came together and though up some ideas and work together, they could most likely get the inmoov moving on a hobbyist level. i mean Honda's asimo started out as nothing more than just a pare of legs very much like the ones used in the xrobots channel videos and so did pet-man at one point or another and look how far they have come now, im sure they would have been able to accomplish they same results with 3d printed parts and servos as they would have with the original equipment they use now. nothing is impossible as long as you put your mind and heart to it.


Ok, if we were to do it at hobbyist level we need a few extras... (within the realm of ez robot that is)

  1. aluminum frame, not 3d printed plastic
  2. linear actuators and/or high powered servos
  3. a reasonable grasp of bio mechanics
  4. Hardware... the 4 in I and inverted pendulum
  5. Some good programming:)

@Omegaproject great... but who is going to write the software?


programming is a breeze:D . Using the EZ-SDK and it's version of the AutoPositoner combined with the 4-in-1 will be enough. the EZ-SDK's auto positioner allows you to tweak the existing position of servos to maintain balance while performing auto positions. I actually designed it for a 5 foot tall robot I had planned. It was to be built out of Styrofoam actually lol

Sadly - no time:D

Great Britain

well said :D:D:D:D:D:D

give me till Tuesday and then i will start to come up with a lighter body, till then wish me luck with my physics exam tomorrow.

ps we r not hobbyists... ,


we r the real deal


here is also an idea,not the height but double legs.


Sure, you guys think it can be done by Saturday... LOL... So we need someone who can cnc and maybe we can use these servos for the leg joints...High torque servos...

Great Britain

this guy is doing what the xrobot guy is doing, just in a more controlled manner




nothing is impossible as long as you put your mind and heart to it.

I fixed it for you


nothing is impossible as long as you put your mind and heart money into it.


Ok Richard r you got me there lol that is true with out the money, we couldn't get very far lol. But like dj said the ez sdk would making the programming a breeze and there wouldn't neccessarily be a need for a aluminum frame I mean the xrobots guy used nothing but 3d printed parts other then the aluminum rods and he also made linuar actuators from the hd servos he had and some 3d printed chain belt I to move the thoughts and knees of the legs. But I do agree with the money thing that always creates and issue when it comes to any thing lol and my bad y'all I didn't mean to insult any one with the hobbyist level thing, I just mean that nothing is impossible even at a hobby level lol. I just like to give hope to beginners and those who dream big like I do

Great Britain

does anyone have a 3d printer, to make stuff lighter, could u not just print them hollow, or you could not put much of an infill.


I have two 3d printers.... If you're talking about the inMoov itself.... some parts can be printed with loose infill, but others like gearboxes, arms, shoulders and most parts of the torso will need strength and therefore have a greater % of infill... Either way, your inMoov (without legs) will weigh in at about 25lbs....

Great Britain

do u think that we should come up with maybe a lighter 3d printed skeleton, and maybe a sheet metal skin to hide all of the electronics.

or ... the x robots way with relying on momentum to make it walk may not be such a bad idea, because we could use less power in the servo, and make it up with the side to side momentum that the weight of the inmoov would bring


You could try a mix of the two I mean what's to say you couldn't use a lighter skeloton with sheet metal and use the x robots design that would make a great improvement I would think but I'm not an expert lol just a thought

Great Britain

yea r u gonna try to make a bipedal robot


Put some concepts on the forum. Give the community a chance to tweak some designs. Protype designs can be metal fabrication, wood, 3d printed or whatever for prototypes. I would like to see what happens ! ?


It all could be done with 3d printing, but a smarter design is needed than inmoov. By smarter I mean less material and smarter strength construction. The inmoov designer used more material and thickness to increase strength - that's like making airplanes out of lead to be stronger... Or bridges.

Who would be interesting in putting together a walking humanoid project together in github? We could collaborate easier on there.


I would interested.... I agree, lets not try and make a bus into a sports car.... Can we redesign inMoov or just start from scratch?.... Anyway, I am if it can be done...

Great Britain

i'm sure that it could be done:D:D


To awnser your question andrew earlier, yes i am eventually lol i just gotta get stage one of omega project complete first then im going to save up to start on stage two of omega bipedal stage I have a showcase design of him in bipedal stage, you should check it out and let me know what you think and i would like to but I don't have a 3d printer, plus I'm in the USA lol I just use scrap parts to build my robot lol but if I could I would be in a heartbeat, not to mention I'm like super broke lol

Great Britain

have u got any vids of the project, or picturs, your concept, that u want to pass him down sounds pretty cool:D:D


No vids yet just my concept bidal stage and my omega status in the community robots under project showcase (:

Great Britain

hi, what r your names on github


Does the group think a scaled down set of legs using standard servos and aluminum or 3d printed parts could be made to walk? DJ says the basic program can be done. We know sensors are coming. I would like to hear others thoughts. I have ideas for the mechanical portion but I need additional input. Ron



is there any progress on these legs ?