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Country: USA
Member Since:

Stephen Beckett, a renaisance man with honors from UNE, practiced the healing arts for 26 years. He first started and grew a leathergoods manufacturing business up in Central Maine, out of thin air back in the seventies. He’s messed with computer electronics and software since he was knee high to a coke bottle and currently cares for a few dozen websites. He is a co-founder of, an international network of timebanks, and wrote the software that drives that system. (Now there is a team.) He built his own home. He’s a local Maine artist: He rebuilt and sails the Bermuda rigged sloop Zenta on Casco Bay. His back yard is a vegetable garden from which he has also made Marquette, Crab Apple and Concord wines. He is bringing his diverse set of skills and knowlege to bear on this exciting new project.


  • 2017-03-01 - joined Synthiam
  • 2017-03-01 - created first new question
  • 2017-03-01 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2017-03-01 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2017-03-01 - created a custom avatar
  • 2017-03-02 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2018-02-19 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2019-08-05 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions


Easydriver Code Nema 17 Motor Driver With Io-Tiny

I am driving a SparkFun EasyDriver Nema 17 Motor Driver board with an iO-Tiny All are powered with a 6V SLA When I first connect to the Tiny with ARC the motor begins a slow spin. When I run the code below the motor stops as desired. SET(D0,OFF) // step pin SET(D1,OFF) // dir pin When I run the loop, converted from an Arduino Sketch to this, get...
Inmoov Top Stomach

Inmoov Top Stomach

Im switching to @bhouston Articulating Stomach for InMoov: and no longer need the old Top Stomach Assembly Ill be happy to ship it to someone...
Arduino Ibt_2 H-Bridge

Arduino Ibt_2 H-Bridge

Im curious if anyone has used the Arduino IBT_2 Motor Controller with EZBv4 It looks like I share the ground, can power the motors with my 6 vdc SLA bat attached to Vcc,...
Auto Release Control

Auto Release Control

It probably is a simple change to make the Servo Dropdown list on the Auto Release control so the user may Select Multiple servos at once. A user friendly change... select multiple...

[X] Close Control

Wow. I WISH that the [ x ] Close Control control on the ARC control windows said ARE YOUR SURE ? (This will remove your control and all your programming of it for keeps!) The only solution is to Exit ARC, choose NOT to Save (losing other valuable changes you may have made) and then restart, where upon your control reappears. I stupidly click the...
Scripting A Connection To A Second Ezbv4

Scripting A Connection To A Second Ezbv4

Upon manually connecting to Board 0, I would like to establish a connection to Board 1 using EZ-Script, process some initialization there...
Neopixel Control

Neopixel Control

I see there is a NeoPixel (software) Control Ok - Now what? Board 1, Port D8 -- do I connect my ring here? I see it says, no but that was two years ago, before this control appeared... Is...
Inmoov Community

Inmoov Community

Hi all, I have tired of MRL, the incessant changes, and the near total lack of support and documentation. I have an InMoov all built and rearing to go, but nothing that can successfully...
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