Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Dunning-Kruger!

Easydriver Code Nema 17 Motor Driver With Io-Tiny

I am driving a SparkFun EasyDriver Nema 17 Motor Driver board with an iO-Tiny All are powered with a 6V SLA When I first connect to the Tiny with ARC the motor begins a slow spin. When I run the code below the motor stops as desired.

SET(D0,OFF) // step pin
SET(D1,OFF) // dir pin

When I run the loop, converted from an Arduino Sketch to this, get the motor running again, nothing happens. I get Start and Done messages on the script, but no printout of x or movement of the stepper motor. Any ideas?

$x = 0

  $x = $x + 1
  SET(D1,OFF) // dir pin (maintain current direction)
  SET(D0,ON) // step pin
  SET(D0,OFF) // step pin

  print($x) // let me know the loop progress
  if($x = 6400) { $x = 0 } // don't go crazy

goto loop


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Your ez script has syntax errors... try this and understand your sleeps are very short so this script will loop quite quickly

$x = 0

  $x = $x + 1
  SET(D1,OFF) # dir pin (maintain current direction)
  SET(D0,ON) # step pin
  SET(D0,OFF) # step pin

  print($x) # let me know the loop progress
  if($x = 6400) 
  $x = 0 # don't go crazy

goto loop


Thanks Richard. I added the missing endif and got rid of the { } Now I get the error message:

my_script_name (STEPPER) STEPPER - Error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index STEPPER - Done (00:00:00)


My bad goto loop must be in brackets.. as below



Bingo - Thanks! I do one hell of a lot of programming in php so I've got that syntax on the brain. Best! Stephen