Synthiam Robot Showcase

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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Remote control robots using your phone or PC, or grant access to others for collaborative control.
Add your robot to Exosphere for telepresence and remote operation
Sythiam Swag
Robot Builder Coffee Mug, 11oz

Robot Builder Coffee Mug, 11oz

Start your robot building day on the right wheel, err foot, with this Synthiam Robot Builder black coffee mug. This...
Train Vision Object By Script by Synthiam
By Synthiam

Train Vision Object By Script

Enable real-time object vision training using scripts

EZ-BoxBot with IOTiny by WiinterU
By WiinterU

EZ-BoxBot with IOTiny

Version 1 A remake of the original EZ-BoxBot replacing the old EZ-B V3 with the EZ-B IO Tiny. Not complete because I dont have the IOTiny...


Ricogs Robots That Can Help With Chor

Robots that can help with chores around the house. Such as picking up a room before the robot vacuum comes through.

Jeffnps Ez Encapsulated

So these are my questions can anyone help please. I want to put EZ into a display case and when power is given to EZ I need it to perform for a short time and then power down. Does it come with pre installed moves to entertain or do we have to programme them all? When power is given to the robot will it operate the same performances that were last...
Ericez's New Synthiam Humanoid On Development

Ericezs New Synthiam Humanoid On Development

too long i not posted, and now i have idea to making a humanoid robot more freedom movement using 21 servo on the planing design. it...

Jaxons I Am Going To Create A Set Of

I am going to create a set of 2-DOF robot eyes for the inmoov. The eyes will hold EZ cameras.

Dexters To Create A Robot To Look Afte

To create a robot to look after the elderly or disabled - it would interact and monitor them if they fell or were stuck it could be trained to come when a keyword was called . often if they fall - they can not reach a monitor, or emergency cable maybe cant not reach their phone - but they could call out to EZ BOT to alert someone? Link this to...

Robertt32s Robots That Can Be Programmed

Robots that can be programmed together like a hive mind, thus allowing them to work together to complete many complex tasks.

Robohackers A Small-Sized Robot That Has B

A small-sized robot that has brushes on the front of it that fits inside the Central heating system of a house to clean out all of the ducts.
Bhouston's A New Hand For Inmoov?

Bhoustons A New Hand For Inmoov?

Ive been working on a new hand idea for my InMoov robot. I seriously hacked the Exiii Handii. Their original design had the thumb and index finger moving...

Ings175s A Robot That Could Scoop A Lit

A robot that could scoop a litter box and dump it into a separate trash can. I know my wife would be very happy with that.
Louis's Quadrupedal Robot Xr4

Louiss Quadrupedal Robot Xr4

Hey guys, I have just started a new robot project. This one is going to be a Quadrupedal robot which has 4 legs obviously and will be built from scratch. My initial...

Kablerecords How About A Robot Composed Of

How about a robot composed of a mimetic poly-alloy? Then it could turn into all sorts of cool things! Wait a second, that sounds familiar...

Jennalopes As I Was Talking To My 5 Year

As I was talking to my 5 year old and play in the afternoon, I told her that I needed to go and make her dinner. She said, Mommy, I have one more thing i want for Christmas. I want a robot to help you and make your dinner so you can spend more time with me. That would be need to have a robot to help around the house and make dinner