Voltron Robot


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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I posted a project....too long. Let's just say that the last few years have been a bit busy with the Revolution....viva la Revolution! ;)

So I've had the dream for a long time to have my own walking and talking robot version of Voltron but using the toys was going to be way too expensive. I would also have been quite sad to ruin such an awesome collector's item. When I found out that someone was creating a free 3D printable Voltron design I was all over it! It took upwards of 100 hours of printing and about $100 in filament but it was definitely worth it. Here's a picture of the main components:

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In hindsight, I likely didn't have to print out that all the parts that I did and I didn't have to use the highest quality print setting either (0.1mm). I probably could have saved a lot of time if I'd planned things out a little better but I'm the kind of guy that wants to see it all laid out and then start subtracting.

I've been at the build for a couple months so far and it's getting close to completion. There's just a few challenges ahead of me that I have to overcome. My progress can be followed on my Flickr Page or Instagram: @skater_j10 if you're into that whole social media thing.

The 3D design of Voltron was done by Juri at 3Dworkbench who has done many other amazing designs. Optimus Prime, Ninja Turtles, and Sound Wave to name a few. I'm also pretty excited that he's completing his Robotech Valkyrie design this week!:)

Anyway, Here's what it'll look like in the end, lol, it's what I'm imagining at least:

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By — Last update


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@Jeremie... Hey, did we say you could have fun? Now get back behind your desk and invent some new ez robot hardware... Sheeesh...:P Kidding of course.... I have to get my nose out of inMoov once in a while. Lots of cool projects out there.... I am liking this one a lot... Keep us posted as you progress...:)


Lol, thank you for your permission @RR;)

Speaking of thank you's. I wanted to thank ezrobot and @DJ for helping me get this far with the build. Without the donated parts and great suggestions this project wouldn't have gotten off the ground....er.....bench!

I'm pretty excited to bring Voltron to life, I'll be posting progress here too. Here's a pic of my messy bench:)

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Does that come with the sword?

I really would love to have that. @Jeremie, could you please let us know a parts list and cost when you are done?

Thanks! Wayne


@WayneA Yes, the blazing sword and shield files are also available to print.

I'll try my best to keep track of the material and parts costs. Just be aware that some heavy modifications are needed to form the 3D prints around the Lever servo-motors


Ya, looks like a great project. Looking forward to seeing it walking.


You call THAT a messy bench ... lol. I wish mine looked like that on a good day! Enjoy your build.


Yes! Now this is what DIY builds are all about! What fun. I love stuff like this. Nice work.

Watching DJ convert his early toys into functional robots are what lured me to EZ Robot and the world of robotics in the first place. I know Revolution is what EZ Robot is all about now a days and it pays the bills up there for you guys but I wish there was more focus on stuff like what you're doing here. After all isn't this the natural path to advance to after the kids and us adult children learn basic EZ Robot robotics from Revolution turnkey robots? :)


Thanks @Dave yeah that's the appeal for me too:)

@DJ suggested I post all my pictures in the forum as well, so here it goes:

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@Jeremie... I forgot just how versatile ez bits are... They are a great, compact design for levers and rotational joints... JD's foot plate and ankle are perfect for your bot....:)


OMG I <3 the black on the ez-b controller casing.

When are we gonna see color choices in stock? :D


Sweeeeeeeet! This build will rock it! Can't wait to see it finished!;)


Awesome! Can't wait to see it finished and moving.. great job!


Thanks guys! Here's some of tonight's progress:

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Worked on Voltron a little bit every night this weekend, he's coming along:) I was able to finish the yellow Lion leg and put the body and legs together. He looks so big on my desk. He's about the size of 3 Gameboys stacked up lol

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Really cool. Good ideas.


More progress:

I modified some RGB LEDs, sanded them flat, made the lens more opaque, soldered on some 0.1" Headers, and mounted them into Voltron's eye sockets. Multi-colored Laser eyes for the win!

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I hacked a wiring harness onto Voltron's back, made a few mistakes, had to use more hot glue lol. I'll clean it up later:)

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@Jeremie: Do my eyes deceive me? Do I see a Transformers Soundwave in the backround? Do you have the cassettes?

(Sorry this is off topic I am sorry in advance, I had to ask!)


@WayneA. You are absolutely correct:D The only cassette I have for him is a beaten up Ravage that I've had since I was a young lad.


Here's a close up pic of Voltron in all his glory

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And Here's a more recent picture of him and I (in an easier to look at orientation):D

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*edit: arggggg I hate the iPhone default orientation


Very nice looking Robot Jer, grate work man!


Fantastic work, well done and very inspiring!

I recently bought a toy to do the same to and make it come alive, do you have any video of Voltron in action?


Thanks @NEWAGETOMY I do have a video, I just have to change the music on it as it will likely get flagged by Youtube.


I finally had a chance to change the music on that video and upload it:)

You'll notice that Voltron is running with HD servos, my plan is to upgrade him to HDD servos so that he can walk much better;)


@Jeremie I saw the video of you and DJ this morning demo'ing the new HDD servos... If I haven't said it before, fantastic job on them... Love the boxes of iterations you went through... I see a big Christmas bonus coming for you this year...:)


Thanks @Richard I really appreciate that my friend!

It was definitely a long and iterative process. We had to break some long standing paradigms in the servo industry to make it happen, but we did it!


Absolutely love it! Great job Jeremie!


Thank you very much Will, I've got nothing on you though!


What impresses me the most is at the same time you managed to boost the torque rating more than 25% (15kg/cm to 19kg/cm I believe) from the old servos. These new HDD servos are freakishly strong! How strong you ask? Get this... the Giant scale Hitec HS-805bb (the ones used in inMoov) produce about 24kg/cm. Now compared that to ez robot's standard HDDs at 19kg/cm... For the price, reliability and power the new ez robot HDD servo is the best bang for the buck hands down...


Jeremie, Your robot has a remarkable look that screams wow! I also watched the new HDD video, and have to say that is a great achievement. Some applications are very demanding for servos, and now we have an option for those applications. Thanks, Steve S;);)


Oh bro that intro just swept me with memories, i have an idea what your video is going to be like once its 100% completed.. cool cool

Seeing him standing there powered on was awesome well done.

Can't wait to see your Voltron up and running. cool cool