Hi Guys this is my personal design of mobile robot inspired by WALL-e as of now it is controlled By a wireless Xbox 360 controller i'm looking forward on making it autonomous. Thanks to EZ-B complete kit... It has an embedded built in on it for upgrades...
By cirkeith
— Last update
Other robots from Synthiam community

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That's totally awesome dude!
That is a VERY cool robot!
That's great , how is your progress with EZB? Any pics or videos of you building it. I love seeing how things are made and what makes them tick.
Hi jsTarne1
Your robot is awesome! I'll be waiting for more pictures and more videos, more more!
I luv it! your Wall-E (Paper-E) is waaay cool... Now, would a paper shredder fit into the build?
Your Wall-e would be very popular around an office!
A tutorial of how you made your tracks would be awesome!