Other robots from Synthiam community

Linux's Project Roll-X
I am glad to announce my next project after the omega project stage one is complete, introducing project Roll-X stage...

DJ's The Real Wall-E
DJ Sures has made a few Wall-E mods in the past, but this one is sure to be unique! DJ added a camera and a vertical...

Boon's Boon's Robot
The base is made from a discarded toy car. One of those for a toddler to sit and drive in, with its own motor and...
I am also getting an extra D-Rex dinosaur to make into an EZ robot pet dino. R2D2 will get his own EZ robot board!
http://www.ebay.com/itm/182528908708?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT This is a link to a D-Rex on ebay if anyone wants to make an EZ-Robot.
They will be very awesome once completed, so many possibilities!
The dinosaur im looking forward to seeing also, that will be fantastic to see walking.
Who's the little guy in front of the D-Rex?
Looks like a mini K-9? : )
That is just a robot to test new EZ=Bs. I also use it to test navigation programming. My next driving robot will have tank tracks. I got an extra D-Rex to add an EZ-B to. His electronics are fried, but his walking motors are good. All of the rest of his motors seem to be good also.
Looks like the blue one on the left is ready to go before C3PO, the arms and hands look great.
The Blue one is my robot Dave. I designed and 3d printed him, added servos and EZ-B and he works great. Making him walk turned out to be a bit harder than I like. I may need very expensive servos to get him walking.
That's great you 3D printed and designed Dave yourself.
Getting it to walk wouldn't be as hard as you think, yes the servos would be expensive, and will need to be strong, but a little mechanics will be needed also to help take the load off the servos for his legs.
Does he weigh much?
He is a bit heavy and tall for the size of his feet. I wanted him to self balance, but AutoPosition is not smooth while reading the gyro.
Do you have a 4-1 sensor in there?
He will look awesome once you get the legs and feet a little more say hydraulic?
Shiny steel amongst the blue would look really good.
Yes he has the 4 in 1 sensor. I am thinking about threaded rod like a 3d printer uses. Make his joints powerful. His last fall broke some of his servos and his neck as well as chipping some of his paint off. I need him to have balance and always work at staying balanced.
My first C3PO robot!
Wow! For a first robot its an awesome one!
Looks freaking awesome well done.
I've seen a video of Dr.Guero pushing against his robot, and it always keeps itself balanced.
Yours of course is much larger, i would follow the same mechanics and simply upscale everything so it will be able to walk.
But yeah its just a matter of the servos.
I would build something half the size, get that sorted first, then it wont seem so daunting to get him walking.
My old C3PO had 1/4 scale servos in his shoulders. The rest of his servos were regular model plane servos. My new C3PO will have all metal gear servos.
Looking Fantastic! Will be great to see that 3p0 walking! eek

So it begins! I have C3PO taken apart and I will have servos in him soon!@mcdaver, where is he(c3p0)?
. Good luck on your build.

I had to replace C3PO's neck with part of a large medicine bottle. Then I added a small metal rod for the head to pivot on.I added servos to his neck and shoulders. I am not sure how many I will use in his arms. Not much room in them. His head can look up and down and left and right.
Great project, good to see it's on the way.
I am glad C3PO is taking shape. I will be opening the panel on his back to fit his EZ B4. I am looking for good voice clips for C3PO. I might need to sample some from the movies. And now I am adding another robot to the mix. I just got an Omnibot 2000!
Im sure you will have many voice clips to choose from.
Congrats on the Omni2000.
Will C3PO be all polished and shiny once finished?
I will be painting him as shiny as I can. I need to 3d print him some elbows, the ones he came with are not close to right.
Now thats a pretty nice collection May the 4th be with you!
Nice collection, nice videos,