new new update
new new update 7-10-2013 video! Last page please.
new updates 3-27-2013 @ 11pm (UPDATED PICS ON PAGE 2)
hello all i have been working on my wall e head for a while now. i am able to get multiple motions from a single head unit.
up, down, left right,eye "twitch" plus it looks mostly stock
mr rich, lumpy glickclick....let me know what you think.
pics up in a few min. I might just add to the last page of this thread, not good at posting....sorry
hello guys, these are pics of what ive been doing with the ezb. This is the inside of the wall e(its split in half) 2 servos on their side are for the arms and the one servo that is standing is for the neck. I included 2 pics of the neck. in low and extended position
also, both arms have micro servo half way inside them. these arm to make the "grey" part of the arm move in and out.
front view of head (notice nose)
under view of head, 3 servos(one to move head left and right and one for each eye)
since i have tons of room inside im going to position the ezb to display the underside logo by making the wall e front "chest" plate open down word (revealing the ezb) i included a pic of them side to side.
and lastly bEvis and Butthead cuz they rule.
if pics dont work, ill try again after my break
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Very detailed! Clean pics. Your last pic made me laugh lol
Very cool! Which Wall-E is this? Im interested in the micro-servos in the arms. I dont think I have enough space in mine.
good times!
i have the disney store remote control wall e
same size but diff. tricks.
anywho, those are micro servos in the arms. I will take them apart tonight and post more pics of the inner mechanism.
I am really having issues with the body tilt
the more i look at your video the more i notice our tire set up is way diff.
ill post pics tonight. maybe you can give me some advice,
Pics would help a lot to figure the scale. The servo arms I had were a bit longer than the others I have but they worked well for it. They're about 35mm from center pivot to the tip.
glick, thanks hitting the hobby shop tonight afterwork...and ill stsrt posting pics saturday morning.
Glick where you from? i just noticed you're in the states (most people here are canadian or over seas)
im in cali, so cal
Im from the US but for the past 2 years Ive been in Qatar. Another reason why it takes a while to get my project done. No local hobby shop.
getting closer.....ill start posting pics of wheels since its a problem for me.
can't wait
ok, sorry for the delay...almost a year with no updates....lots has happened....engaged, new pad and a promotion. (he promotion is the real reason no time for wall-e.)
i will post pics of updates soon/
i am builing a wall e out of 2 very diff. wall-e's. One being a limited edition wall-e only sold at disney stores (great body detail and paint) it on ebay 10 bucks. and the u command wall-e (we all know that guy)
Parts from the u command wall-e i am using are: eyes, and wheels. Parts form custom Disney wall-e i am using are:
neck, has a cool extending motion built in. arms, thicker than u command wall-e and fit mini servos for hand rotation) body, custom detailed paint.....looks bad ass.
this is the closest combination of parts to mimic a mini ultimate wall-e (again ill post pics tonight of both side by side)
made a pretty slick "contraption" for the eyes/head movement. i fit 2 micro sservos per eye to give fluid mtion) up, down, eye tilt and left and right.....soo stoked!
glad to be back on deck!
finishing up this guy and then ill startin the Artoo and Ultimate wall E Ill make sure and get some good pics of the artoo and Ultimate W.
thanks guys and i really hope we all start posting updates on our projects, been on the boars a wile and lots orf projects seemed to have gone on the back burner....
Can't wait! You have an awesome build. contraption made of 4 servo arms and a couple of screws (please note the modification made on one servo arm to be able to "insert" the other servo arm inside it. this will be the base for holding 4 mini servos to give the eyes:
up, down plus "eye twitch" movement
next will be the "neck" that i am sitting this "contraption" on....
please note: this is a neck and body from the limited edition disney store wall-e. ha a cool extension feature to the neck. also, the arms can "rotate" the hands in addition to moving the arms. more on this later...back to the neck...
and now the neck with the contraption
now the first 2 of the 4 servos that will give the eyes up and down motion.....
please note, i have added servo arms to both servos....
btw thats a libretto w105 perfect for running multiple ezb software more on that later...
mr glickclick! hope your up for a while MOAR! pics coming.
next is one of these mini servos attached to one side of the contraption.....
now the second servo
next i have added the last 2 servos to the servo arms (that are attached to the blue servos) these servos will have the actual "eyes" attached to them
these servos will provide the eye "twitch " motion
next will be a series of the wall-e eyes i modified to fit all 4 servos (essentially only cut out the bottom)
please note: these eyes are from the (u-command wall-e) (i purchased the u-command wall-e for the eyes and wheels, everything else is from the limited edition disney store wall-e) i found this is the closest thing i can get to a mini ultimate wall-e (that i own and will mod as well)
now on with the pic porn...
....(smoke break)
next a series of pics of the modified eyes and all 4 servos "combined"
in the last two pictures i tried to show the motion the blue servos have within the eyes
next, with each individual eye made.....i attach them to the "contraption"....
now with both eyes....
front view left view right view and back views (please note i will clean up the wires in the back and cover the middle section "contraption" with something....i dunno, ill find make it blend in better...
now a few pics of him looking up and down....pretty cool "angle" im getting when the head is in motion.
That's a well thought out contraption you have. I'd love to see the video. He will have loads of personality! Don't worry. I will be up. It's GMT +6 here. PS. Dont mod ultimate wall-e. He's great!
pic of the neck in down position
pic of neck in up position
pic or servo controlling that up and down motion
thanks man...means a lot.
i have to mod the ultimate much potential.
next will be my artoo.....already figured out how to make the 3rd leg move in and out of the body (3-2-3 dance)....i also purchased a mini master replica lightsaber to "pop" out of the dome....(next to the brookstone mini projector)
trying to build my own Nikko R2D2 projector (5k on ebay)
ill post a video tomorrow of my mini ultimate wall-e video will have:
full head , neck and eye motion.
plus....arm and hand motion. up and down plus "hands" rotate.
one last thing....thats a smoke detector on wall-e's left side of his "chest"
i partake.....i set up scripts so when he "smells the smoke" he acts......"slow"
I'm very interested in that R2 3-2-3 movement. I gave my youngest son that R2 so maybe when I get back I can help him mod it with that and EZB.
How have I missed this one?..
I am loving all of the pics. Very nice and clean build
This should help when I (finally) get on to my Wall-E.
This build is incredible, I really love your engineering. Maybe some split wire loom to house those wires from the servos? Then you could route it along the neck.
Very clever contraption. Nice and clean looking build!
troy, rich, brett and lumps
thanks guys...means a ton...all of youhave inspired me with your build and awesomeness with scripts.
ill def post up pics on the artoo build...its going to be a little bit becuase i have to construct it, tear it down and then take the pics or the re contruction.
but yes, the body will tilt back on 2 arms while the 3rd leg is hidden......then he will tilt forwad releasing the 3rd leg...
im using the extra plasctic parts from the Artoo himself to guide the leg up and down.
ill admit i took the idea from some dude on youtube. much simpler on a smaller plastic artoo.
thanks guys
anyone notice the artoo xbox 360 in the background. ha!
Trying to make a video....can't get relative servo to work..
I mean it works but when I click on invert, one servo goes dead. I have tried a regular servo controller. Added secondary servo and same thing... It works but when I cluck invert one servo goes dead.
Can anyone confirm relative servo control plus the invert function work on the most current update?
any video of this guy yet?
no sir cant figure out the relative servo inverted position.
know im doing it correctly but when I click on "invert" one servo goes dead. this means I cant control he eyes.
can any one try it....use 2 servos, select the relative servo control. then click on invert on either the master or slave servo and confirm that it does not work.
please note: if you do not click on invert both servos move. (but in the same direction) if I click invert (to make them move in the opposite direction) one servo dies...
ok i have the inverted setting working, issue now is a jerking motion to the servos once the ezb connect to the software.
I think I have it figured out thanks to Mr Rich.
I will upload a video tonight.