Ok So It Is Not That Great But It Sure Ws Fun.



Well it may not be amazing to watch, but it was fun to make and it sure made me laugh ! Spent quite a bit of time playing a variety of songs to see how it responded.



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You can use the Add YouTube Video button to the right to add videos direct to posts, like so (just makes it easier than highlighting, copying and pasting).

P.S. Stuff like this is always great in my book :)


Hey thanks, that is alot easier. jimk


Hahaha that is hilarious! nice choice in song btw :)


Thanks, I can't wait to show him off to my friends kids this weekend. I suspect that there will be some laughing, screaming, dancing 2 and 3 year olds :-) I put together a small stage in our living room for them, and found a toddlers jean jacket for the bear with some boots to give him some character. Should be a riot to watch their reactions.


i like it mate ,my little niece would love it cool