Just for some fun,
I am combining my two robots, the Borg robot and the crane robot. Used a strobe light and then filmed
I used many pieces from servo City, servo blocks etc... 4 servos for: vertical, horizontal movements and two arms movement micro servo for moving mouth wire insulator pocket plasma Ezb4 controller with battery wire extenders ARC software for programming and running the new robot: Auto Position etc This will be a demonstration of voice commands and the robot responding with verbal responses.
Here is my video for today Thanks EzAng
By EzAng
— Last update
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The Borg are so cool !
Well done EzAng.
Thanks for bringing some fun to the forum EZ. We been missin ya!
Yes Perry, I felt we need some fun, been quiet here...
you all are welcome, be well
EzAng, Great video with movements. Hue is intimidating, I enjoy the updates. Steve S
Thanks Steve, took a lot of work
quiet out here, not a lot of comments
by the way what are you up too?
ps: no strobe light next time