May I present you Dude; my Inmoov taking forever to complete.
I'm using a portable JumpStart car power booster (LiPo battery) to power the entire robot. Light weight and surprisingly good so far.
Using 2 Castle BEC-Pro to step down the 12V supply. They are programmable step-down voltage regulator. I programmed one to 7.4V to match the EZB-V4 supply (LiPo 2S) directly driving 7.4V servos (hands, wrist, eyes,). I programmed the other one to 6.0V for the Hitek HS-805BB servos.
Using 2 Logiix Blue Piston speakers for the ears. Got them for free and looks good.
Sorry, can not rotate.
By kazobond
— Last update
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Dude where's my car, lol
Your robots looking good. I'm curious how many amps that car battery you have is .
@Merne Thanks. LOL. Also works well with "Hey Dude, go get me a beer !" lol
If I remember correctly, that car booster battery was spec at 200A continuous and 400A peak. This is typical battery spec for RC toys LiPo battery. I got that one more than 2 years ago to boost the engine in my boat when I forget the lights on for a week or two (Yikes !). I was very surprise the first time I was able to crank that 75HP motor. Since then, I see those booster pretty much everywhere at very reasonable price.
@kazobond We can never have too many inMoovs... Nice work... Very neat wiring but I do see a second ezb4 (or an ssc-32 of sorts) in your inmoov's future... LOL. You run out of digital ports real quick building an inMoov...
@Richard, Good eye Watson, and it's obvious that you have Inmoov experience. I'm a big fan of your work. I did anticipate this some time ago, and got myself a second EZB4 with camera on Black Friday.
great clean build - neat and tidy wiring up- your inmoov will get bigger !.
Is this one of the Blues Brother? I love your pictures. Seriously, very nice work. The wiring at the back is impressive
Thank you guys. Nice compliment from you means a lot to me
This forum is really encouraging me to push myself to get it going...
Warning ! Never leave your robot alone with your kids LOL
@ Kazobond
Very funny and nice pictures.
In case you have missed it, have a looked at your thread page 3. I have worked on your dude script and add info how to implement Buzzing Correction.
@kazobond Sure blame it on your kids... Please tell me you're not trying to make a robot girlfriend? Besides, inMoov doesn't make a very pretty girl at all...
Lmao Actually, the kids in question are my older sisters, but don't tell anybody. They had so much fun being silly.