Synthiam Spray Steam Mop



When looking at the EZ-Robot office webcams I found that Team DJ is working on a project that I was thinking of doing myself...

Turning an ordinary Shark Steam Spray Mop into an EZ-Robot Steam Spray Mop! :)

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Hahahaha! Nice! That had me laugh out loud big time

White tiled floors + winter = mop



Was a modern parody of Fantasia's Magic Brooms!

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I wonder if hte iRobot Brava mop has the same programming port as the Roomba so that you could drive it with an EZ-B.

Rather than having it randomly mop the whole room, train the camera to recognize dirt and spot clean as needed....



Ezrobot used to have a iRobot Scooba in the front area. There was an IR invisible wall that kept it in the area. The only trouble was having to clean the thing. Your hands and the counter got so dirty, it was easier to quickly give the enterance floor a brush sweep:)


You just need to make a robot to clean your other robot, and then another one to clean that one and then.... Oh, nevermind. Some things don't need more automation;)



Maybe that new iRobot mopping robot is a better design than the scooba


I think I have your wet and snow-slushed lobby floor issue solved. Reprogram your Omnibot to do the task!

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Okay, I got to put Photoshop down. I am getting too carried away.


Brilliant! And your photoshop skillz are 1337 yo!


Wow! That image is amazing! SO funny! :D