My new Metal Robot with voice commands and Auto Position for you to view - 10/25/2019
By EzAng
— Last update
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Nice build, will he also be having a spice him up with some personality?
Many the force be him too!!
you can use a servo as head.
I plan on attaching an IO tiny, battery, camera and RGB for eyes etc. as soon as my order arrives
Also I have some grippers to attach
Back from 2019
I plan on redoing this today on ARC, 11/10/2022, with an Arduino and a PCA9685 module, 8 servos and other things
Test a metal robot, voice commands, audio response, some movements
from Amazon, just $17.99 First using my Yahboom servo Tester 8 Channels Motors Controller
I'm looking forward to seeing your upgrades!
hi all it is 11/11/2022 here is metal, nuts and screws I am using an Arduino uno with a PCA9685 for 8 servos I am also using the Auto position, speech recognition, scripts and the audio toolbox plugin for the Mark voice
I first tested this with a Yahboom servo Tester 8 Channels Motors Controller
Then tested it with a IOTiny, best for walking
thanks for watching, please leave a comment
LOL! Love the happy hands! looks like you're having a lot of fun.
Did you rename him metal, nuts and screws? I love that too.
Thanks Dave, You are the only one who commented on this. This was to demonstrate the Arduino uno with a PCA9685 works good with all ARC's robot skills for smiller29
Thank aagin